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Tool (продолжение)

Andy: Про инструмент.

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Coma: какое же шикарное оформление.. красота! Ziggy Pop пишет: Такое дело: мы делали фруктовое желе, и на кухне был открыт кран с горячей водой, я пролил воду на пол, и тут замкнуло электричество и появился дух Юнга. Он сказал мне, что я испортил желе. да-а, отличное интервью ))

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: отличное интервью )) их ирония всегда меня радует=) насчёт музыки всё верно сказано - её можно открывать бесконечно. чем собственно я и занимаюсь, уже который год. Coma пишет: красота! это только половина из того, что там внутри. сканера нет, а то бы сделал со своего диска снимки. винил бы ещё купить, но 500 $ это очень дорого

Ziggy Pop: MTV interview: Not yet a legend, not yet dead Интервью Мэйнарда каналу MTV "Пока еще не легенда, пока еще не мертв" Автор: Kurt Loder Мэйнард Dжеймс Кинан еще более необычный человек, чем вы могли бы подумать. Поклонники Tool и A Perfect Circle, двух артистично тяжелых (тяжело артистичных?) групп, возглавляемых им, знакомы с одеждой и париками, за которыми он прячется на сцене и в клипах, а также с его необычными текстами, которые скорее предназначены для создания атмосферы, чем просто передачи информации ("Cast the calming apple/ Up and over satellites"). Но Кинан, 39-летний ветеран армии США (он служил 3 года в начале 80-х) и художественной школы (он занимался print-making) с трудом похож на зловещего и отчужденного персонажа из ранних песен Tool. Сегодня он счастливый отец-одиночка (его 8-летний сын Дево принял небольшое участие в записи последнего альбома APC Thirteenth Step); известный любитель вина (его домашний погреб насчитывает более 2000 бутылок); и человек, дорожащий своими друзьями, многие из которых сами музыканты - или были ими как Лэйн Стэйли (Layne Staley), бывший фронтмэн Alice in Chains. У него, конечно, также есть враги - главный из них, возможно, Кортни Лав (Courtney Love), чья дочь от Курта Кобейна (Kurt Cobain) Фрэнсис Бин (Frances Bean) была объектом одной акции Кинана с футболками несколько лет назад. Группы Мэйнарда на самом деле не очень плодовиты: Tool выпустили три альбома с 1993 года; A Perfect Circle выпустили два за последние четыре года. Возможно, не такой большой результат, но Кинан не извиняется: его музыка очень сильнодействующая и яркая. Мэйнард эрудированный и остроумный человек, одинаково легко обсуждающий историю (его родители были учителями) и очень плохие фильмы (например, фиаско Кевина Костнера "Почтальон" и гадость Джона Траволты "Поле битвы - Земля"). Короче, парень, с которым весело общаться. Kurt Loder: Это действительно ты придумал футболку "Освободите Фрэнсис Бин"? Maynard James Keenan: Да, в 96 или 97 году. Все в то время пытались привлечь нас на всякие благотворительные шоу - ну вы знаете, как "Освободите Тибет". И я подумал, у меня будет своя акция: "Освободите Фрэнсис Бин". Потому что после наблюдения за ураганом, каким является ее мать, моей первой мыслью была: "Боже мой, как Фрэнсис Бин переживет это безумие?" Артисты могут быть очень эксцентричными и сумасшедшими, к сожалению, больше всего страдают от этого их близкие. Футболка был довольно дерзкой шуткой, и потом она просто вышла из-под контроля - все хотели такую и я раздал их. Кортни ненавидит меня. Она назвала меня шлюхой СМИ однажды. Разве не здОрово? Я имею честь быть названным Кортни Лав шлюхой СМИ! Loder: Название альбома "Тринадцатый Шаг" (Thirteenth Step) имеет отношение к двенадцатишаговой восстановительной программе анонимных алкоголиков? Keenan: Я не думаю, что альбом исключительно для людей, кто проходит восстановление, хотя эта метафора точно присутствует. Многие из песен написаны с позиции человека отрицающего предмет, к которому от привязан, в том числе наркотики; человека, кто начал осознавать, что существует проблема и готового бороться с ней. Это была трудная задача для меня, потому что я не знаю что такое наркотическая зависимость. Я опирался на опыт друзей, кто прошел через восстановление и тех, кто уже никогда не пройдет через него. Лэйн Стэйли, например, был моим старым другом. Loder: Ты, наверное, видел все, что с ним происходило? Keenan: Да, действительно. Но никто не мог ничего сделать, и с этим было трудно смириться. Я бы хотел помочь другим людям, кто находится на грани, кто может услышать песню и подумать: "Знаете что, я думаю, я хочу попробовать жить". Loder: У тебя самого были когда-нибудь проблемы с наркотиками? Keenan: Я, конечно, экспериментировал. Я переступал через эту линию. Но, к счастью, никогда не заходил так далеко, что не мог вернуться назад. Где-то там существует голос, говорящий: "Подожди, вернись назад". У некоторых людей его нет. Loder: Сейчас ты кажешься намного менее злым, чем был в начале существования Tool. Как ты относишься к фанатам, кто говорит, что скучает по тому прежнему, сердитому Мэйнарду? Keenan: Ну, вы можете пойти и купить альбомы. Есть Opiate [1992 EP], есть Undertow. Вся идея в том, чтобы перерасти это: написать песню, выразить все что хотел и идти дальше. Я думаю, что мог бы повторять себя снова и снова, но какой в этом смысл? Если я не смогу исцелиться от своих произведений, то как вы сможете? Loder: Ты человек, с которым трудно работать? Keenan: Я думаю, самой большой проблемой при работе со мной является то, что я был единственным ребенком в семье и поэтому у меня есть с собой внутренний диалог, который, я допускаю, вы можете слышать. Как у единственного ребенка, у меня есть свой маленький мир. При работе с другими людьми, до тех пор, пока ты не озвучишь, то, что думаешь, остальные будут ломать головы, пытаясь понять, что же происходит. Со мной, конечно, гораздо легче работать сейчас, чем раньше. Loder: Как парни из Tool отнеслись к A Perfect Circle? Keenan: Я думаю сначала они были задеты и ревновали. Но сейчас мне кажется, они понимают цель всего этого: позволять нам делать то, что мы намереваемся делать, затратить столько времени на новую работу, сколько нужно. Для меня сделать Lateralus и потом через год выпустить новый альбом с Tool не было бы хорошим шагом вперед. Мы всегда разделяли идею, что необходимо получить определенный жизненный опыт и пройти через свое естественное развитие как артист, чтобы позволить музыке выйти самостоятельно, а не вытолкнуть ее. Мы просто такая группа, которой требуется много времени для развития. Тем временем [вместе с A Perfect Circle] я прорабатываю другие вещи, в то время как Tool продолжают путь. У меня есть еще один выход для самовыражения. Loder: Но фанаты Tool неизбежно хотят новый альбом, и некоторые из них возмущаются, что ты посвящаешь все это время A Perfect Circle. Keenan: Они все продолжают спрашивать: "Вы работаете над новым альбомом Tool?" Я как мать. Я будто рожаю ребенка, и вы спрашиваете меня, будет ли у меня еще один. Не сейчас, наверное. Я не чувствую, что занимаюсь сейчас сексом, у меня есть ребенок. Мы трудимся над ним. Мы воспитываем его, развиваем и затем представим миру. Loder: Как ты относишься к своим фанатам? Keenan: Я просто надеюсь, что наши фанаты - это люди, кого вдохновляет наша музыка, и кто использует ее в качестве основы или отправной точки для того, что они делают. Я бы предпочел, чтобы они были также артистами , чем просто пытались копировать или поклоняться таким клоунам, как мы. Loder: Фанаты Tool очень преданны. Некоторые из них уже считают тебя легендарной личностью. Keenan: Это довольно странно. Как это случилось? Я даже не знаю, что думать об этом. Я еще не могу быть легендой. Я еще не мертв. Loder: Почему ты никогда не вкладываешь тексты песен в альбом? Почему фанаты должны искать их в сети? Keenan: Потому что я думаю, чтение - это мыслительный процесс, и я бы предпочел, чтобы люди сначала прослушали альбом и просто погрузились в него. Потому что ты можешь получить из музыки нечто, чего ты можешь не получить, размышляя о ней. Я обычно выкладываю тексты через месяц или около того после выхода альбома, но сначала лучше прочувствовать его. Loder: Ты писатель - ты когда-нибудь думал написать книгу? Keenan: Нет, не совсем. Один раз я хотел написать книгу, я открыл Microsoft Word и ... Loder: И просто сидел и смотрел в пустой экран. Keenan: Да, точно. Так что вместо этого я стал искать в Интернете порно. Loder: Ты довольно изолирован как исполнитель, носишь эти парики и костюмы на сцене... Keenan: Это началось, когда у меня появился сын. Это главная причина для макияжа, париков, бюстгальтеров, всего, что вы видели в прошлом с Tool. Мне просто нравится быть инкогнито, потому что я сейчас могу гулять даже там, где я живу, и меня не слишком достают. Я думаю, было бы несправедливо по отношению к моему ребенку, чтобы он страдал от моей карьеры - ну вы знаете, раздача автографов с 7 до 11. Это кажется мне нелепым. И я стараюсь не сниматься в наших клипах. Loder: Тебе не нравится смотреть на себя? Keenan: Нет. Loder: Какую музыку ты слушал в детстве? Keenan: Joni Mitchell. Я думаю, Joni Mitchell сделала очень многое для музыки. Она сильно повлияла на меня. Loder: Тебе было неприятно услышать сэмплы "Big Yellow Taxi" в песне Janet Jackson "Got 'Til It's Gone"? Keenan: Это было мучительно. Но ... Joni Mitchell, PJ Harvey, Bjork. Позже, я сильно увлекся Aerosmith и AC/DC. Loder: Тебе нравится классическая музыка? Keenan: Немного. Я не смог бы назвать свою любимую вещь, но я действительно ценю ее. Когда Бах и Бетховен и все остальные парни занимались музыкой, это было абсолютная вершина нашего разума и с тех пор мы просто переосмысливаем разные ее аспекты. То же самое можно сказать о Beatles. После них существует возвратное движение в попытках заново изобрести колесо. Loder: Что ты думаешь о текущем состоянии музыкального бизнеса и о том, что звукозаписывающие компании жалуются на незаконное скачивание музыки, уменьшающее их доходы? Keenan: У музыки все равно есть будущее, потому что люди хотят музыку. Но я не знаю, будут ли лейблы вовлечены в это. Паника, которую вы видите сейчас, в основном, исходит от лейблов, которые пытаются понять, как им дальше монополизировать бизнес и манипулировать артистами, высасывая из них кровь. Loder: Ты против file-sharing? Keenan: Не совсем. Но, я надеюсь, люди поймут, что артист в основном зарабатывает на продажах альбомов. Сегодня ты должен продать около полумиллиона или миллион записей, только для того, чтобы покрыть расходы. И сколько групп продает миллион альбомов? Не так много. Loder: Но есть и такие, кто подписывает контракты на 60 миллионов долларов... Keenan: Ну, у меня никогда такого не было. Я не Mariah Carey. Loder: Ты видел ее фильм "Блеск" ("Glitter")? Keenan: Нет. Loder: Он изумительный, ты действительно должен увидеть его. Он близок к "Поле битвы - Земля" ("Battlefield Earth"). Keenan: "Battlefield Earth" - это вершина. Настоящий фильм, чистое искусство. Ты можешь включить его и через секунду после включения, забываешь, что смотришь фильм и потом ты идешь и готовишь бутерброд или еще что-нибудь. Ничего запоминающегося не происходит. Это просто... два часа неожиданно исчезли. Это не как с фильмом "Почтальон" ("The Postman"), который оказывает абсолютно другой эффект. Этот растягивает время. Ты чувствуешь, будто стареешь, когда смотришь этот фильм. Я пропустил три дня рождения. Loder: Ты интересуешься политикой? Keenan: Я вижу множество параллелей в нашем существовании как нации и многими историческими процессами. Падение Рима, падение Германии - падение господствующей страны, людей, которые думают, что могут делать, что хотят без согласия других. Я видел этот сюжет раньше. Я думаю, что люди пренебрегают учиться на истории. И вообще наше правительство не имело цели сделать нас образованными людьми. Любое правительство в исторической перспективе действительно не хотело, чтобы люди были образованны, потому что не могли бы управлять ими также легко. Если образование наших детей идет от радио, телевидения, газет - если оттуда они получают большинство знаний, а не из школ, то власти действительно ответственны за это, ведь им принадлежат все эти источники. Loder: ОК, закончим на этой ноте, тебе есть, что сказать своим фанатам? Keenan: Выключите телевизор. Пойдите займитесь чем-нибудь. 2003 (с)

Coma: у Tool всегда замечательные интервью получаются =)

Ziggy Pop: ироничные они, здравые по рассуждениям. Насчёт образования в США Мэйнард всё правильно сказал, да это к любой стране относится: Любое правительство в исторической перспективе действительно не хотело, чтобы люди были образованны, потому что не могли бы управлять ими также легко. образование наших детей идет от радио, телевидения, газет - если оттуда они получают большинство знаний, а не из школ, то власти действительно ответственны за это, ведь им принадлежат все эти источники. то, что и происходит повсеместно, имхо. по поводу фильмов Battlefield Earth и The Postman стёб конечно хороший=)) Не видел ни одного из них и не собираюсь=)

Ziggy Pop: This was performed at the Explorers drum clinic in Kansas City on September 19-th, 2009 Aloke Dutta (tabla), Danny Carey of Tool, and Terry Bozzio of Frank Zappa and his own touring, performed together onstage for the finale of the drum clinic at a high school auditorium in Overland Park, Kansas. The clinic was part of the 25th Anniversary of Explorers Drums and Percussion, a Kansas City drum shop.

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: про tool знаю, но не нашла =( залил, держи=) Ark Sano_2005_"The Piano tribute to Tool" Original Release Date: 2005 Label: Vitamin Records 01 Schism (6:59) 02 Sober (7:12) 03 Aenema (10:13) 04 Stinkfist (9:14) 05 The Patient (10:08) 06 Undertow (7:02) 07 Ticks & Leeches (8:09) 08 Opiate (6:11) 09 Hush (3:00) 192 92 Mb http://rghost.ru/1741942

Coma: Ziggy Pop спасибо большое качаю =)

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: спасибо большое качаю =) не жа шта=) надеюсь, тебе понравится. Меня вот под клавишную версию "Aenema" всегда уносит... пианинка - отличная вещь.

Ziggy Pop:

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: надеюсь, тебе понравится. Меня вот под клавишную версию "Aenema" всегда уносит... пианинка - отличная вещь. оо-о-очень круто. Aenema-отдельный разговор), настоящее волшебство.. на репите =) очень красиво и тонко. ещё The Patient и Schism очень понравились.

Ziggy Pop: Undertow хорошо пошла на клавишах, да вообще там всё хорошо=) дело тут конечно же не только в пианино, а в том что оригиналы сами по себе крутые=)) Coma пишет: ещё The Patient и Schism очень понравились. да-а. всё же у японцев своё видение музыки, имхо. Это вот как на ю-тубе с тем самым видео, где японский ансамбль играет на народных инструментах песню "Lateralus", вообще красота=)

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: дело тут конечно же не только в пианино, а в том что оригиналы сами по себе крутые=)) Coma пишет: =)) это да но даже крутые оригиналы можно легко испортить) Ziggy Pop пишет: японский ансамбль играет на народных инструментах песню "Lateralus" даже так?=)

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: даже так?=) ну да=) вот тут выкладывал, посмотри: http://corgan.borda.ru/?1-2-30-00000007-000-80-0

Ziggy Pop: 1995 Australia

Ziggy Pop: 07.10.1993 - Molson Park Barrie, Ontario, Canada, Lollapalooza Festival 320 kbs http://www.collectiveunconscious.org/93sbd0710.html ================================================ 27.02.1997 - Asbury Park, NJ, USA @ Asbury Convention Center 192 kbs http://www.collectiveunconscious.org/97asburypark0227.html ================================================ 16.08.1997 - Mountain View, CA, USA @ Shoreline Amphitheatre, Lollapalooza Festival 192 kbs http://www.collectiveunconscious.org/97mountainview0816.html ================================================ 26.08.1998 - Sacramento, CA, USA @ Memorial Auditorium 192 kbs http://www.collectiveunconscious.org/98sacramento0826vhs.html ================================================ 1995 - Aenima demos: 01 Pushit (8:55) 02 Stinkfist (4:43) 03 Aenema (6:41) 04 Eulogy (7:49) ================================================ 488 Mb http://ifolder.ru/17949701 сэт-листы каждого из выступлений по ссылкам выше Philosopher что ещё надо будет - говори

Coma: я, конечно, не Philosopher , но.. тоже скачаю=)

Ziggy Pop: Coma да он вчера меня озадачил, говорит, мол, похерились его бутлеги куда-то, ну вот и пришлось помочь другу=) ты японцев глянула? вчера пересмотрел как раз, они ТАК играют, что слов нет, очень круто.

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: ты японцев глянула? да-а класс! очень понравилось! молодцы они, что тут скажешь)

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: молодцы они, что тут скажешь) там в камментах где-то по весне читал как называются эти их инструменты, на которых играют, мудрёное слово такое=) а сейчас там вроде написано, что скоро они эту версию будут в студии записывать. Было б неплохо.

Philosopher: Ziggy Pop ты владыко морской! спасяо!

Ziggy Pop: Philosopher пишет: ты владыко морской! похуй цунами, ziggy с вами Philosopher пишет: спасяо! пися руплей, карифана на

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: а сейчас там вроде написано, что скоро они эту версию будут в студии записывать. Было б неплохо. ага а они только Lateralus исполняли? Ziggy Pop пишет: похуй цунами, ziggy с вами

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: а они только Lateralus исполняли? да. там под самим видео комментарий автора по поводу того, как он все эти партии расписал и раздал японцам, чтобы те сыграли. Он на этом видео тоже есть, он не японец кстати=) в общем - молодец мужик, доброе дело сделал=)

Ziggy Pop: слева направо: Адам Dжонс, Dжастин, Dэнни Кэри Adam, Justin and Danny celebrating Justin and Shelee's wedding on Saint Lucia Justin & Shelee Married At Last June 1st, 2010 It’s been confirmed that Justin and Shelee finally got married despite Wikipedia’s claim that they were already were. The event happened in St Lucia in the Caribbean on the 21st of May I believe. Pics of the event (including other members of Tool can be found and Toolband, and for a change there’s some exclusive pics on Toolarmy) happy wedding, Justin!! бас-гитарист женился=)

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: happy wedding, Justin!!

Ziggy Pop: во - первых, возможно будет играться новый материал в предстоящем летнем мини-туре Tool во - вторых, идёт работа над 4-ым альбомом A Perfect Circle Rolling Stone interviews Maynard June 11th, 2010 In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Maynard reveals that Tool are considering playing some new material on the road: While the band isn’t touring behind any new material — its last album was 2006’s 10,000 Days — the frontman says Tool are quietly working on a new disc that’ll be released "when it’s ready." But they’re considering testing out some new material live. "We’re always writing," Keenan says. "If it comes together, yeah, you’ll hear some new stuff. If it’s not ready, you won’t." Keenan knows the 5-year gaps between Tool albums frustrate fans, but says there's an explanation for the timing. "We don't wait," he says. "That's the misconception. Most bands get into a contract and are forced to put out a third record before they're ready. And generally speaking, that third record always ends up being about the road, a lawsuit or the press because they don't have anything to talk about. They haven't lived their lives." He also goes onto mention that work an a new A Perfect Circle album has commenced: The frontman also revealed he is working on a fourth LP for massively successful side project A Perfect Circle, their first disc since 2004’s Emotive. "We’ve got some riffs and some music. It’s just basically playing it over and over again while driving and waiting for things to fall into place." Summer Tour 2010 Tool are heading our for a tour in the Summer of 2010, and this page is designed to be a guide as to what to expect this time around Dates confirmed so far include: •June 19 UNO Lakefront Arena, New Orleans, LA •June 20 Toyota Center, Houston, TX •June 22 Cedar Park Center, Cedar Park, TX •June 23 Ford Center, Oklahoma City, OK •June 25 Sprint Center, Kansas City, MO •June 26 Family Arena, St Charles, MO •June 28 & 29, Red Rocks, CO •July 1 Xcel Energy Center, St Paul, MN •July 4 MTS Center, Winnipeg, MB, Canada •July 5 Brandt Center, Regina, SK, Canada •July 7 Rexall Place, Edmonton, Canada •July 9 General Motors Place, Vancouver, Canada •July 10 Key Arena, Seattle, WA •July 12 Bill Graham Civic, San Francisco, CA •July 13 Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA •July 15 Viejas Arena, San Diego, SA •July 16 Planet Hollywood Theater, Las Vegas, CA •July 18 Nokia Center, Los Angeles, CA •July 19 Nokia Center, Los Angeles, CA

Zero: Ziggy Pop пишет: во - вторых, идёт работа над 4-ым альбомом A Perfect Circle замечательно!!!!!!! с удовольствием послушаю!

Ziggy Pop: в этом году вряд ли конечно, может в следующем, а может и ещё позже, who knows

Ziggy Pop: ISSUE # 1 OF 30 DAYS OF NIGHT - THE X FILES Here's the cover for ISSUE #1 (Sept) of the new comic book issue of 30 DAYS OF NIGHT - THE X FILES by STEVE NILES and our very own ADAM JONES. Needless to say, this is sure to be a collector's item. Check out the review from FANGORIA: http://www.fangoria.com/index.php?id=1088:the-x-files30-days-of-night-1-comic-review&option=com_content&catid=54:comics-reviews&Itemid=185 итак, 1 сентября выходит первый выпуск комикса 30 DAYS OF NIGHT - THE X FILES, Адам Dжонс рисовал на пару с двумя другими авторами

Ziggy Pop: Maynard James Keenan - Bohemian Rhapsody Queen Cover Live from Activision E3 2010 Video Game Conference with full choir LA philharmonic лысые жгут =)) Maynard performs Queen June 16th, 2010 Tags: A Perfect Circle, Billy Howerdel. Queen, Guitar Hero Maynard took part in the Activision E3 event last night, singing a version of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody with Billy Howerdel on guitar. This appears to be in aid of the forthcoming Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock game out in September 2010. According to Wikipedia, The Outsider by A Perfect Circle will be one of the playable tracks. For Keenan, performing "Bohemian Rhapsody" on Monday was an unexpected chance to revisit a big rock song from his own adolescence. Dressed in a black suit and red tie, he approximated the soaring operatics of Freddie Mercury against the strings and woodwinds of the L.A. Philharmonic, as animated characters from Guitar Hero sang along. His A Perfect Circle collaborator Billy Howerdel filled in for guitarist Brian May (who was originally set to perform), rising from the floor with an old Vox amp and Gibson Les Paul to ignite the original glam riffs, adding touches of modern guitar texture. As the song faded out, Keenan hugged the guitarist, and then grabbed his ass as they descended into the stage.

Ziggy Pop: Tool announce Rajas as support act June 23-rd, 2010 Rajas (featuring Mandala creator Vince DeFranco) will be supporting Tool for a range of dates from the 9th of July onwards: I am very pleased to be able to announce a new WEBSITE and the debut self-titled album from RAJAS . Being the brainchild of guitarist BEN SHERAZI, the band also features PAUL JONES on bass, GINO BARBONI on percussion, and Mandala Drum and Dimension Beam inventor VINCE DeFRANCO on analog synths and the old ’69′ Fender Rhodes. As you are checking out the RAJAS website, be sure to click on the TOUR SECTION for info about their upcoming support for a certain prog-metal band (I guess it’s official after all!). I took a quite listen and they sound alright. The dates in question are: •9th July in Vancouver •10th July in Seattle •15th in San Diego •16th in Las Vegas •All the Los Angeles gigs Not sure if it also includes those dates between the 10th and 15th http://www.rajasband.com/

Ziggy Pop: June 23-rd, 2010 Dаlek have confirmed that they are supporting Tool on the following shows: •June 29 @ Red Rocks CO •July 1 @ Excel Center •July 4 @ MTS Center Winnipeg •July 5 @ Brandt Center Regina •July 7 @ Rexall Place Edmonton

Ziggy Pop: • June 19 UNO Lakefront Arena, New Orleans, LA Third Eye Jambi (-) Ions Stinkfist Vicarious (with extended jam intro) Eon Blue Apocalypse / The Patient Intolerance Schism 46&2 (Intermission with visuals) Lateralus Aenema Also, the opening act was Wovenhand, despite what Blair said about it possibly being incorrect. apparently Ticketmaster as listing hip-hop group Dalek as the support in Red Rocks night #2 из отзывов о первом концерте: -No more white floor stage with visuals on it. There’s a carpet now -The past few tours have had 3 screens. The usual long horizontal one behind the band, plus the 2 on both sides of the stage. Now there are SEVEN SCREENS. Yes, 7. The platform where nardo and danny play on now has a screen built into it. The floor of DC’s platform and the side facing the audience is a screen. There is also a screen on the ceiling/lighting area, facing the audience. -Most significantly, they added 2 “moving screens”. They are hidden at the top of the stage at the beginning of the show, but they move around all over the place during various songs. For lateralus they lowered to stage level directly behind adam/Justin. -Lasers for the standard Aenema/Lateralus/Vicarious and NEW lasers for the patient -NEW videos for third eye/the patient/and possibly others Mjk dressed as postal guy and there was a new jam intro to Vicarious As the band started playing Third Eye, Nardo took out his cellphone camera and took a picture of DC, then walked over to Justin to take his picture. Then realized he already missed the first few words of the lyrics to third eye and ran back to his platform to start the song late. Then after the lyrics continued his photoshoot with Adam Eon Blue+The Patient was absolutely epic! Also I should mention that Nardo’s vocals were fairly clear for most of the show. Unlikely previous tours/shows, he wasn’t too drowned out in the background and was fairly audible. I guess that also depends on the venue and where your sitting as well. Then Maynard says to the crowd “Do you like to travel back in time? I like to travel back in time”. After a few moments I remembered the Blair post about an older song with question marks on the setlist. Then a moving version of the Undertow logo appears on the back screens and they break into Intolerance. WICKED! Holy fucking shit. Words cannot describe the feeling of getting Third Eye/Patient/Intolerance all in one show! It’s amazing what a difference just a few songs can make. Thank you Tool. You’ve made all the ridiculous time and effort I’ve spent on you worth every penny. This has easily been the best tool show I’ve ever experienced. I would probably say it’s safe to assume that tonight was the best tool concert since the Lateralus era tours in 2001-2002. I’ll end my review on this note: I highly encourage every single person who reads this review (and likely the reviews to follow) to do whatever it takes to get to one of these shows. I’ve been to a lot of Tool concerts, but what I experienced tonight was a totally new level of intensity and inspiration. Holy shit, Intolerance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! качество так себе

Ziggy Pop: Tool June 19th, 2010 UNO Arena New Orleans, LA, USA Source: dpa4061s > MMA6000 w/low cut @ 100hz > Microtrack 24/96(24 Bit Wav@48Khz) Location: just left of center, a few rows from the back Conversion: Microtrack 24/96 > USB > dbpoweramp (>16/44.1) > CD Wave > Flac Frontend > Flac 01. Third Eye 02. Jambi 03. Stinkfist 04. Vicarious Intro 05. Vicarious 06. Eon Blue Apocalypse 07. The Patient 08. Intolerance 09. Maynard's Dick (tease) 10. Schism 11. 46 & 2 intro 12. 46 & 2 13. -set break- 14. Lateralus 15. Aenema A bootleg of the New Orleans show (19.06.2010) has been found on Dimeadozen. I haven’t listened yet so I can’t vouch for it’s quality, but the torrent can be found here (you’ll need to register!) notes: No EQ done, just raised the volume some. Recording turned out much better than I was expecting given our seats. I haven't had a chance to listen all the way thru yet, just skipped thru some songs as I drove around for 15 minutes this evening, but I really couldn't find anything to complain about. Special thanks to Suzanne and Adam for helping keep an eye out and for an unforgettable weekend! http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-details.php?id=309762&page=3 FLAC 625 Mb http://www.megaupload.com/?d=S8OIDJN1

Ziggy Pop: 2010-06-19 New Orleans cнято отлично, для бутлега в самый раз sick performance

Ziggy Pop: Houston Free Press: • June 20 Toyota Center, Houston, TX ​"For the next two hours, nothing else matters," said Tool's Maynard James Keenan as his band launched into "Jambi" right after stirring the pot of the crowd with "Third Eye" from 1996's Aenima to open last night's nearly sold-out one-night stand at Toyota Center. It wasn't quite two hours, but even 30 minutes with Tool is enough to fry your brain's housing. Now 20 years down the rabbit hole, Keenan and Tool have cultivated a shadowy presence in modern rock. They came to light at a time when bands weren't supposed to be esoteric and artful, and it's those two qualities that have inspired most everyone who embraced them to follow suit. Tool doesn't beat you in the head with a message; they sneak in while you have checked out and rearrange your shit so when you return you get confused and have to reassess your head. The only bands that came before them that had that innate power were obviously Pink Floyd and possibly Nine Inch Nails. Tool is a brand band in the best meaning of the word. Few bands these past 20 years have reached such an iconic level where their shows are cerebral events. Mastodon is getting there with each album, as is the Mars Volta. The soon-disappearing Isis also can claim that flag. Tool on record is one thing, enigmatic as hell and aces headphone rock. Tool in a live setting will leave your mouth agape. Every member of the band is at the pinnacle of their craft, and the fact they all work together so symbiotically is a once in a generation miracle. Watching them work from our vantage point in the crowd, we could ignore all the LED screens and lasers (though they were supremely bitchin') and watch Tool interact as a band and not just a group hiding behind lighting rigs and effects. Live, Keenan feeds off drummer Danny Carey, while bassist Justin Chancellor and guitarist Adam Jones are free to stand in their own private laboratories to crank out every squawk of the band's sound. If you were even dead center first row on the floor, you couldn't have seen this. It didn't come off as workmanlike; it simply looks as if Tool is one simple organism pumping in time with its components. Keenan perched up on a small riser dressed as a sadistic mailman, set up with a bottle of his own Merkin Vineyard-derived wine (naturally), wearing his trademark talk box. Drummer Carey came out clad in a Trevor Ariza uniform. The power forward was a member of the Los Angeles Lakers up until last season; Carey and Jones are mainstays courtside at home games of the recent NBA champions. 1996's Aenima ​During Aenima's "Stinkfist," Toyota Center coalesced in a way we haven't seen a Houston crowd do in quite some time. Band and audience were on beat with each othe, which was reassuring given our town's volatile attitudes when it comes to live concerts. No one had time to fight or drink for fear of missing a single second of the show. With news of Keenan's other band, A Perfect Circle, possibly reviving touring and recording plans by the fall, and even though a new album is said to be in the works, this may be the last Tool tour for a year or so . Overall it was a throwback show, no new music and leaning heavily on Aenima which is now nearly 16 years old, but ageless like most of the rest of Tool's catalog. Nothing sounds dated except for maybe 1992's Opiate EP, but that was merely a stepping stone. It's a good thing, at least to Aftermath, when bands dig into their catalogs to highlight tracks that aren't radio singles or video hits. Take the Iron Maiden show a few weeks back, where they faked out the fairweathers with almost two hours of superfan gems. If this tour is just an excuse to leave the studio or a chance to say goodbye for a bit, it nonetheless hit all the right spots for Tool fans, including the guy dead center who look like he was about to start crying tears of blood from being so giddy.

Ziggy Pop: Wes Faulconer, owner of EXPLORERS PERCUSSION in KANSAS CITY, has on display in his store one of Danny's kits that he has used on tour with the band. Tool fans in town for tomorrow's show might want to come in and get their picture taken by the drums. The address is: Explorers Percussion 8050 Wornall Rd. Kansas City, MO. 64114.

Ziggy Pop: ещё один из концертных плакатов, рисунки и оформление - Adam Jones (гитара) мини-тур продолжается

Ziggy Pop: Tool puts on mindblowing spectacle June 22 Cedar Park Center, Cedar Park, TX Calling it a concert doesn’t do it justice. What Tool gave fans at the Cedar Park Center on Tuesday night was an experience. The music was amazing and the light show was the best I’ve ever seen. It was a pretty far cry from the act that opened the 6,800-seat venue — country artist George Strait. Not the kind of show I ever expected to see in Cedar Park. For Cedar Park, the 6,800-seat venue is a pretty big deal. For Tool, a band that’s used to playing in 20,000-seat arenas, it was an “intimate setting.” I’m not sure if it was a sell-out or not, but it had to be close. The place was packed full of die-hard Tool fans. Some traveled in from the far reaches of Texas, probably quite a few out-of-state folks as well. I felt pretty lucky to see them in my own town, on a press pass no less. I talked to one guy who said he’d been to five Tool shows and this was his favorite. Things got intense pretty quickly, with a thunderous version of “Third Eye,” introduced by a projected image of ’60s guru Timothy Leary. “Think for yourself and question authority….” After that, the band played one hit after another, accompanied by computer animations, lasers and clips from their famously creepy videos. I think they got something from every album including Undertow. “Aenеma” was a special crowd pleaser. Everyone knew the words. The stage arrangement was unusual. In most bands, “frontman” is synonymous with lead singer, but Maynard James Keenan stood on a raised stage at the back, alongside drummer Danny Carey. Most of the time, with the lights and images projected on the wall behind him, all you could see of the lead singer was a silhouette. Guitarist Adam Jones and bassist Justin Chancellor stood in front on either side of the stage. Everyone but Maynard looked like rock ‘n’ roll guys, with long hair and scowls. Maynard on the other hand, wore a T-shirt, shorts and a cap, and on his feet were big oversized fuzzy bunny slippers with scary teeth. Definitely not your typical metal singer get-up. I got the idea that 1. it was about the art, not him; and 2. don’t take it too seriously. I don’t think he’s interested in running any kind of cult. Together with the music, the light show was very hypnotic. There were geometric shapes, some linear, most fractal. Sometimes the band appeared to be playing under the ocean, or inside the sun. Lots of visions from those videos with their weird homunculi. All in all a very intense experience. It will take a lot to top this one for me. I love the lo-fi indie groups, but it’s great to see a band with so much muscle and musical know-how. Only negative for me was my persistent problem with rock show tinnitus. I stuffed tissue paper in my ears (I’ve tried earplugs, but they block out too much), but it was still so loud that I could just hear the instruments and a bit of squelchy noise. If I wanted to hear Maynard I had to stick my fingers in my ears as well. It worked though, and no ringing ears today, so I’m satisfied. Anyone else deal with that problem at concerts? Allen Rhodes took some great photos for us. I wanted to post one in my blog, but I don’t want to get him in trouble. He had to sign an agreement stating that the pics would only be used for one publication, The Hill Country News

Ziggy Pop: басист тоже постарался ;) Tool tour poster was done by JUSTIN CHANCELLOR

Ziggy Pop: •June 23 Ford Center, Oklahoma City, OK

Ziggy Pop: Tool - "Intolerance"_22.06.2010_Cedar Park, TX http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QDDX4HT0 мощно жгут, черти вот так надо записывать бутлеги, звук хоть более-менее приличный

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: басист тоже постарался ;) классно, кстати!

Ziggy Pop: • June 25 Sprint Center, Kansas City, MO Tool at the Sprint Center By BILL BROWNLEE Special to The Star A recording of the voice of the late psychedelic drug proselytizer Timothy Leary echoed inside the Sprint Center at the onset of Tool's concert Friday. The relationship between music and illicit substances would be examined for the remainder of the quartet's two-hour performance. Tool occupies the conceptual space vacated by the dormant classic rock band Pink Floyd. The bands share similarly dour perspectives while performing music favored by users of recreational drugs. Although it hasn't issued an album since 2006, Tool's reputation as a live powerhouse attracted almost 16,000 fans. Most weren't there solely for music. Tool's multimedia presentation is more elaborate than the most enthusiastic devotee of the once-popular Pink Floyd-themed planetarium laser shows could have imagined. Seven video screens -- including two mobile monitors -- displayed hallucinatory effects and portions of the band's notoriously disturbing videos. Lasers and dry ice combined to form artificial banks of clouds near the ceiling of the cavernous arena. The exhibition was so eerily hypnotic that even the industrial noise and disorienting light display during a seven-minute intermission was transfixing. Not unlike spectators at an audacious fireworks display, the audience roared its approval at the introduction of each new visual element. The effects often elicited heartier cheers than did Tool's music. While lights occasionally illuminated the audience, the musicians onstage lurked in shadows. Vocalist Maynard James Keenan seemed especially reclusive. Even when he didn't employ a megaphone, Keenan resembled a sinister carnival barker. "It's all gonna work out," Keenan reassured the audience after a bout of unsettling sonic experimentation. The charismatic Keenan is a riveting figure, but he was the least important component of the band Friday. His vocals were deliberately downplayed in the remarkably rich sound mix. Keenan's demurral allowed the focus to shift to his exceptional band mates. Guitarist Adam Jones, bassist Justin Chancellor and drummer Danny Carey have forged a unique and wholly effective form of arena rock. Their droning introduction to "Vicarious" revealed the influence of avant-garde composer Glenn Branca. Such artful moments were balanced by the unrepentant bombast of material like "Stinkfist." Tool's stylistic range was held together by its futuristic aesthetic. Just as Tool's videos depict grossly deformed humanoids trapped in torturous dreamscapes, Tool's music is correspondingly cold and clinical. During "Intolerance," Tool distilled the most immediate elements of the Jimi Hendrix Experience, Cream and Led Zeppelin into something even louder and more malevolent. All traces of blues were excised, leaving only terrifyingly cold slabs of doom-laden metal. Tool's emotional range, consequently, is limited to rage, fear, panic and awe. This deliberate vacancy of warmth is a large part of Tool's appeal. A crack in Tool's steely veneer was revealed when the band was briefly joined by Ordy Garrison, the drummer for opening act Wovenhand. Garrison, who played as if Bo Diddley were on stage, injected a welcome dose of humanity into Tool's set. Carey, a native of Paola, Kan., displayed an uncharacteristically fiendish grin during Garrison's effort. Wovenhand offered a roots music-oriented version of the mysticism explored by Tool. Seemingly speaking in tongues and twitching like a man possessed by malicious spirits, vocalist and guitarist David Eugene Edwards evoked a captivating combination of Robert Johnson and Nick Cave. Although Wovenhand was favorably received, its gauzy drones would be better suited to a smoky opium den. Tool, conversely, clearly belongs in crowded sports arenas. While it's impossible to ascertain which element was more impressed, Tool's performance was enormously rewarding to sober and intoxicated fans alike.

Ziggy Pop: продам душу дъяволу за концерт

Coma: а ему нужна твоя душа?=) может он просто концерт организует где-нибудь поблизости =)

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: а ему нужна твоя душа?=) а этого мудака никто и не спрашивает, нужна она или нет, пшёл он вон ваще, пёс поганый, вечно от него никакого толку, сколько ни проси

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: вечно от него никакого толку, сколько ни проси он занят просто, особенно сейчас, я знаю

Ziggy Pop: зла на него нет, сука!! =)) я ему и воршип делаю, и кровь младенцев из больницы спиздил во время практики, а он, а он... тварь, я вычислю тебя, и ты мне ответишь за всё, парнокопытный !!! силы тьмы не помогают, силы света тоже, пора обратиться к третьему источнику

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: я ему и воршип делаю, и кровь младенцев из больницы спиздил во время практики, а он, а он... так ты его разбаловал совсем... эх.. тогда всё понятно =)

Ziggy Pop: Antiquiet has the good word about happenings in the A Perfect Circle camp: Songwriter Billy Howerdel and vocalist Maynard James Keenan are once again working together as A Perfect Circle, and new music from the beloved group is on the way. On Wednesday, Howerdel performed with his band Ashes Divide at The Viper Room in Hollywood, on the stage that A Perfect Circle was originally debuted on August 15th, 1999. After the set, the third of a four-night June residency, which featured a guest appearance by Keenan, we tracked down Howerdel for the good word. The possibilities of a full album and tour are both still very much in the air. However, Howerdel told us on the record that they're working on "something" that should be out this year. hell yeah, жду банкета

Ziggy Pop: • June 28 & 29, Red Rocks, CO вчера и сегодня группа выступает здесь, по-моему чем-то похоже на древний амфитеатр, разве что сцена только не в центре расположена. Очень живописное место. на разогреве - группа Dalek

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: группа выступает здесь красота... мощно будет

Ziggy Pop: вот бы в первый ряд нырнуть...

Coma: да... а ведь повезёт же кому-то, чтоб их всех.. =)

Ziggy Pop: • June 28, Red Rocks, CO

Ziggy Pop: • June 29, Red Rocks, CO set: Third Eye Jambi Stinkfist Vicarious Intension Right In Two Schism Flood Lateralus (with Dalek) Aenema First time ever for Intension - the FULL version!!! Followed by Right in Two, and Flood is back. Mark my words - the intro to Vicarious WILL be on the next album. Justin added a semi-lengthy bass tracking for the ambient work-in-progress. RED ROCKS - thank you! Best venue i've ever seen. I agree that the Vicarious Jam is a going to be on the next album, or something very similar. They added to it tonight...Justin did that is. Anyone notice Adam playing a little riff from No Quarter at the intro to Lateralus?? Its so tiny you can almost miss it...its the "they bring the news that must get through" riff. Not much, but its something. I was really interested in knowing what Danny, Adam and Maynard were talking about right before Lateralus, Maynard seemed to shake his head and then Danny and Adam looked to agree on something. Who knows, probably nothing.

Ziggy Pop: • June 28, Red Rocks, CO Maynard rarely spoke to the audience, except for a brief moment after about the first three songs, when he said, “I have a public service announcement—marijuana is illegal.” The audience raised their smoldering joints and screamed back, “Fuck you!” ;))

Ziggy Pop: • June 28 & 29, Red Rocks, CO

Ziggy Pop: sound check for red rocks. jambi вот это красота... нереальное место для концерта, прям ваще... супер.

Ziggy Pop: • July 1 Xcel Energy Center, St Paul, MN

Ziggy Pop: Jello Biafra supporting Tool According the Alternative Tentacles website Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine will be supporting Tool on their San Francisco and Sacramento dates later this month.

Ziggy Pop: Puscifer cover "Rocket Man" As has been promised since 2008, Maynard and Steve Drozd from The Flaming Lips have finally released their version of Elton John’s Rocket Man. The track, which is technically Puscifer + Steve Drozd, can now be streamed on Puscifer’s website. Мэйнард в рамках своего 3-го музыкального проекта Puscifer перепевает песню Элтона Джона "Rocket Man". Трек был записан ещё в прошлом году и стал доступен только сейчас. хороший кавер получился, мне понравился не меньше, чем кавер Мэйнарда на песню "Holiday On The Moon" группы Love & Rockets. В общем, по голосу немного похоже на Perfect Circle, но это не Perfect Circle, равно как и не Tool. Да здравствует пусиферианство. PUSCIFER - "Rocket Man" (Elton John cover)_5:28 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SHFH8F9T

Ziggy Pop: 2007

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: кавер Мэйнарда на песню "Holiday On The Moon" группы Love & Rockets. да? хмм, надо послушать=) афишки отличные

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: надо послушать=) Puscifer - "Holiday On The Moon" (Love & Rockets cover)_5:08_2009 http://rghost.ru/2070149 песня вышла на диске "New Tales To Tell - A Tribute To Love And Rockets"_2009 http://www.discogs.com/Various-New-Tales-To-Tell-A-Tribute-To-Love-And-Rockets/master/185712

Ziggy Pop: TOUR POSTER WITH ADAM ARTWORK FOR SALE AT EDMONTON SHOW A Tool tour poster with some really nice artwork by ADAM that will be available at the MERCH BOOTH at the REXALL PLACE show in EDMONTON, AB on WEDNESDAY, JULY 7.

Ziggy Pop: Adam interviewed by Artist Direct July 7th, 2010 A new interview with Adam popped up today where he speaks with Rick Florino from Artist Direct. He talks about his art, his involvement in the recent X-Files comic and the idea of there being a Tool movie: If the Tool story were to be made into a movie, who would be the perfect director for it, other than yourself of course? (Adam) Wow, if it was made for TV, it would probably be Roger Corman. If it was a feature movie, it would probably have to be that German director Rainer Werner Maria Fassbinder, and it’d have to be in German with subtitles [Laughs]. I’m being positive but my life in Tool is exactly like Spinal Tap meets a Shakespearian play. So Spinal Tap meets Hamlet? Exactly, but in a good way [Laughs]. I really love being in Tool. I love what we do and the result of everything. There’s a lot of dysfunction but, at the end of the day, it’s amazing. Worth mentioning is that some of his art will be showing at the Alternative Press exhibition at the Merry Karnowsky Gallery in L.A, which opens on the 9th of July. According to the interview the piece on display will be the sculpture used for the Peach cover. http://www.artistdirect.com/entertainment-news/article/interview-adam-jones-of-tool-i-always-looked-at-what-i-wanted-do-in-life-like-a-movie-soundtrack-or-a-film/7322162

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: песня вышла на диске "New Tales To Tell - A Tribute To Love And Rockets"_2009 не знала даже. что такое есть оk, thanx =) Ziggy Pop пишет: If it was a feature movie, it would probably have to be that German director Rainer Werner Maria Fassbinder, and it’d have to be in German with subtitles =))

Ziggy Pop: Another interview with Adam July 9th, 2010 Adam must have a few things to get off his chest at the moment as there is another interview with him, this time with Erin Broadly of LA Weekly. Once again it’s largely about is artwork rather than Tool. It also has this amusing anecdote: Adam Jones: Oh, absolutely. I’ve got a funny story for you. Tool was in Denver at Red Rocks and it was the second show we played. Those shows went great; it was really fun. But I was trying to hook up with Buzz from the Melvins because they were playing a show at the Ogden Theater and I realized we’re not going to make the show, they’re going to be done. I was like, "Hey, I’ll try to get out as fast as possible to see you guys," and they said, "Ok, we’ll wait for you." So I was telling everyone, "I really wanna go see the Melvins," and they said I could do a runner after the show — they’d get me right off stage, into a van, and get me out of there. [Laughs] I jump in the van after our show with Maynard and there are two cop cars. They put on their lights so we had this police escort going 80 or 90 miles an hour down the freeway to go see Buzz from the Melvins. [Laughs] My god. Adam Jones: [Laughs] It was the most rock cliche moment of my life. It was really funny. Those guys were all laughing at me. I told Buzz and Buzz goes, "Yeah, I had one of those once but they took me to jail." http://blogs.laweekly.com/westcoastsound/interviews/adam-jones-tool-alternative-pr/ ================================== Coma пишет: не знала даже. что такое есть не слышал полностью, только трек Пусифера и всё;)

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: не слышал полностью, только трек Пусифера и всё;) скачала целиком, послушаю что там да как =) неплохая скульптура )

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: скачала целиком, послушаю что там да как =) уже слушаю...))

Ziggy Pop: Adam on the new album July 10th, 2010 Yet another interview with Adam today, this time with Crave Online. As with the previous interviews, it largely focuses on the upcoming art gallery, however Adam does talk about the tour, the setlist, Maynards voice and the writing process for the new album: CraveOnline: I know you’re on tour now, but can you tell us anything about the new Tool record? Adam Jones: We’re writing, we’re writing. It’s going a little slow. We’re trying to get our feet wet, just basically the three of us. Maynard’s been busy with his wine and his other band. That’s usually how it is – we’ll write and write, and then he comes in last and starts putting stuff in. It works, it is what it is and it works. It’s good. I love it. I can’t really tell you any direction we’re taking or anything like that at this point. It just feels like the same as every time we get into it. We just write for ourselves, and when we’re happy with it we say alright, let’s go into the studio. I really like the process with those guys because we don’t worry about what worked on the last record or what’s selling or the single. You just write. You rip your guts out and… yeah. I’m so happy where I’m at and what I do with those guys. It just feels so good right now to be out on tour. CraveOnline: How do you keep it fresh on tour? How do you build on these songs you’ve been playing for so many years at this point? Adam Jones: This tour has been great because we’re actually doing a different setlist than we’ve been doing in the past. We’re getting older, and Maynard has trouble sometimes singing the older songs, from back when he was young and screaming his fucking head off all the time. His vocal chords are getting older and he can’t really do what he used to do all in a row in a string of back to back shows. So we’ve changed up the set a little bit, which feels really good. Once we actually get together and start playing, it’s so great. It’s so great hanging out with the guys and playing the songs. It comes back to keeping it fresh. Sometimes in the middle of a song we’ll start jamming, or go off on some tangent of a song and come back. That’s a great way to keep it fresh too. Also we keep adding to our show, we put a lot of money back into the show because we want it to be stimulating. We want all the senses to be on overdrive. More lights, more visuals, more lasers, more soundscapes. That’s what I would want in a show. CraveOnline: Sounds like we shouldn’t hold our breath for a Tool acoustic tour anytime soon. Adam Jones: Um…. I don’t think so. (laughs) http://www.craveonline.com/entertainment/music/article/adam-jones-of-tool-106467 Detail of more artwork by Adam hell yeah

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: • July 7 Rexall Place, Edmonton, Canada Trying too hard to be unconventional is much preferable to trying too hard to fit in. Just ask Tool. Hey, at least they’re trying. Being different is the norm for these guys. So bonus points off the top for taking the rock ’n’ roll rule book, ripping it up and throwing the shreds out the window at Rexall Place on Wednesday night. More than 14,000 fans who sold out the joint were treated to a swirling maelstrom of sight and sound and sense and nonsense. Potent combination, whatever you want to call it. Art-metal? Prog-core? Whatever. This sort of show isn’t seen around these parts much — at least since the last Tool concert. Has “the new Pink Floyd” been used yet? It has? Many times? Well, Tool is the new Pink Floyd. Add it up: They never have hits on the radio, they still sell out large venues, their songs can stretch more than 10 minutes and they make themselves out to be faceless, rock star-free conglomerate whose sum is far bigger than its parts, including its flamboyant front-part Maynard James Keenan. You can’t accuse this guy of hogging the spotlight. In fact, Maynard stayed in the back most of the evening, hurling his vocal bombs — moans, growls, screams, wails, electronically messed up chanting, actual singing — from the shadows. His bandmates were lit up more than he was. And they basically just stood there, intent on performing the dense, complicated music that is Tool. Guitarist Adam Jones is a master at playing all the wrong notes in exactly the right places. His solos were epics of feed-backing atonality. Bassist Justin Chancellor could wring a sound from his axe that resembled a jackhammer, while drummer Danny Carey grappled with polyrhythms on top of polyrhythms and time signatures not found in nature. Filling the sonic gaps were big fat synths and sounds that wouldn’t be out of place on side two of Dark Side of the Moon. Yes, albums once had sides. In short, you’re not going to hear a 4/4, four-on-the-floor, four-minute rocker from these guys — and Tool will never be accused of being a “groove” band. There’s far too much going on to worry about grooving. The visual entertainment aspect of the show was the special effects: Blinding strobes, colour floodlights, laser beams, banks of TV screens showing some of that creepy animation you can see from Tool videos, among other psychedelic treats. It all set the mood for 10-minute art-metal songs that make King Crimson look like Nickelback. The show opened the good advice — “think for yourself, question authority” — the introductory chant to a rollicking version of Third Eye (12 minutes, but who’s counting). There came dramatic, surreal and absurdly self-indulgent material from four studio albums. Twenty years at it and only four records? Typical art rock geeks. The closest Tool has to a radio staple — Schism — came at least an hour into the show, drawing cheers from thousands. And a full five minutes of random noise preceded the encore of Lateralus, the title track to Tool’s great 2001 album. Still not sure what it all means. Keenan, or at least his silhouette, addressed his fans only once: “Good evening. For the next two hours, whatever goes outside these walls has nothing to do with what’s going on inside.” You could say that about any show in here, and in fact any event in any building shielded from the elements, but we caught his point: Tool is different and proud of it. Opening act Dalek officially falls into the musical category we call “out there.” It’s an experimental DJ-rapper duo whose material sounds like the soundtrack to the scary bits of the movie Aliens set to trance beats, or perhaps a giant robot suffering from gastrointestinal distress. In other words: Weird noise. Weirdly compelling noise, though, hypnotic, interesting, unpredictable. The only coherent word I could make out from the fat rapper dude amongst the trippy din was “motherf---er,” so no help here. Those who booed Dalek might’ve been better off thanking Tool for once again turning the conventional on its ear. Just say, “wow, didn’t see that coming!” It seems to be a rare thing in today’s concert business.

Ziggy Pop: • July 9 General Motors Place, Vancouver, Canada

Coma: btw, сегодня снился шизо-сон, где дядюшка Грэй разрезал туловские афишы, составляя из них огромный безумный коллаж... маразм крепчает %)

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: Грэй разрезал туловские афишы, Адам Dжонс бы ему такого не простил;)

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: Адам Dжонс бы ему такого не простил;) ага)) хотя.. может получился бы неплохой коллаж...;) кстати о Грэе, читал мой мини-отчёт?=)

Ziggy Pop: Coma нет ещё, работой завалили в последние 2 дня, щас доберусь до него, спасибо;)

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: щас доберусь до него, спасибо;) =) не подскажешь, где-нибудь можно стащить 21st Century Schizoid Man Фриппа с Мэйнардом? (если уже здесь не выкладывали..)

Ziggy Pop: да было дело такое=) вот: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=51VM33RF The Human Experimente - "21st Century Schizoid Man"_2009_digital single (feat. Robert Fripp, Maynard James Keenan, Jeff Fayman) The long-awaited version of 21st Century Schizoid Man, featuring vocals by Maynard James Keenan (Tool) and Robert Fripp (King Crimson) on guitar, is available today as a digital single. The single is the brainchild of composer Jeff Fayman and moving force behind The Human Experimente. There’s a short piece about it here. Long term readers will recall that Jeff used to be one of the DGM diarists and that Fayman and Fripp have previously collaborated on the ambient music album, A Temple In The Clouds. The single is available today from the usual online suppliers. It’d be nice to think that between Tool and KC fans we might see Schizoid Man enter the singles charts 40 years after it was first released.

Coma: Ziggy Pop meow!!! шпасибо большое!! %)

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: meow!!! =))

Coma: ha-ha )) --- Ziggy Pop пишет: 21st Century Schizoid Man"_ послушала, а ничего так получилось!понравилось! правда при первом прослушивании показалось, что начало слишком какое-то пафосное вышло %) но вот сейчас, в 4й раз, в целом радует ;) а больше у них ничего совместного не было?

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: а больше у них ничего совместного не было? неа, не было. Фрипп работает зато над совместным альбомом с Адамом Dжонсом, правда когда он выйдет - неизвестно, особенно учитывая тот факт, что Tool сейчас пишут 5-ый альбом. Coma пишет: правда при первом прослушивании показалось, что начало слишком какое-то пафосное вышло %) мне вообще King Crimson не понравился в первый раз, с дебютного альбома начинал, а потом пошло-поехало;) а кавер нормальный, Фрипп в свои 60 с копейками на гитаре наяривает мощно, и Мэйнарда через примочку пропустили, голос вообще не узнать=)

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: мне вообще King Crimson не понравился в первый раз, с дебютного альбома начинал да? а мне сразу по душе пришлось, правда знакомство с группой началось с альбома Red , а потом было уже всё остальное.. ) Ziggy Pop пишет: Фрипп в свои 60 с копейками на гитаре наяривает мощно это точно интересно всё же, что выйдет из совместного творчества Джонса и Фриппа

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: интересно всё же, что выйдет из совместного творчества Джонса и Фриппа сложно сказать, посмотрим Coma пишет: Red сейчас один из любимых, наравне с Islands;)

Ziggy Pop: • July 10 Key Arena, Seattle, WA

Ziggy Pop: • July 12 Bill Graham Civic, San Francisco, CA Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine supporting "How many of you are under 21?" Tool singer Maynard James Keenan asked an adoring public at Bill Graham Civic Auditorium last night. A steady flight of hands from the black-clad audience went vertical in response. "You people were sperm before this song was written," Keenan spat, in a rare, between-song comment. And then the band lashed into a skull-numbing take on "Intolerance," the opening track from its first, frighteningly brutal full-length record, Undertow. "Frighteningly brutal" could describe much of last night's Tool show, but this band never goes for bonehead thunk alone. In a selection of songs spanning its now two-decade career -- precisely played and presented with maximum theatrics -- Tool not only made a convincing case for heavy music in general, but for itself as one of the most innovative, creative and intelligent outfits still getting sweaty seas of young men to bang their heads and raise Dio's devil horns high in the air. Tool mediated its heaviness with airy interludes, ambient noise, and virtuosic precision. If the band in any way compromised its visually arresting, nuclear-strength vision of how its music should be presented, it did not show. ​The visual aspects of last night's show could fill an entire review on their own. Giant screens were everywhere: one each under Danny Carey's drum platform and Keenan's elevated singing outpost, one along the entire backside of the stage, two more elevated on both sides of the stage, and two more floating above the middle of the stage, both of which moved around throughout the set. They showed a blend of disturbing imagery from the band's notoriously creepy videos (ghost-colored half-humans performing surgery on one another; human-like embryos shuddering in pools of primordial soup) and a futuristic spray of abstract color patterns inspired by the band's album art. The screen shows -- and their beat-synched laser accompaniments -- almost eclipsed the presence of the four band members themselves. ​Almost. Through most of the set, Keenan appeared as a demonic, wriggling silhouette against a huge screen. Even from his singing platform, which was back by Danny Carey's drum kit, Keenan's wild black mohawk, sunglasses, and absurd fake mustache looked very, very weird. The singer swayed slowly and menacingly at some points, redoubling the impression of him as some devil-at-the-helm -- especially when he sang through his police-issue megaphone. Guitarist Adam Jones and bassist Justin Chancellor hung their long locks down over their strings, the sole humans at the front of the stage. Carey, Tool's almost too-skilled drummer, sat immersed in a labyrinth of percussion, screens, rack equipment, and even a gong, his giant arms shooting out of a yellow L.A. Lakers jersey. ​Tool fans are rabid -- especially about seeing the band live -- and it's not hard to see why. This band did more with four people last night than a lot of bands two with twice that. The heavy moments (you know, the parts everyone goes to a Tool show for) had the same all-consuming thud and barb they do on Tool's recordings. When the huge parts hit, those in the auditorium's sweaty pit writhed, shuddered, shouted, puffed harder on their joints, flashed devil horns, headbanged, and generally seemed to lose all grasp on the outside world. (It was hard to remember that there was an outside world when it was all over.) ​"Stinkfist" threw the giant room into a fit when its first titantic chord hit. The band drew out the middle section of "Lateralus" during the encore -- they tinkered last night with song tempos in several places -- but when the climax came, the sea of black t-shirts threw fists in the air and shouted every declaratory word. "We'll ride the spiral to the end/ We may just go where no one's been," Keenan shouted, at a moment when it seemed like nothing -- not an 8.0 earthquake, not a nuclear bomb -- could have been heavier than Tool. ​Not that it was all big-boned chording. Tool likes to be as drawn-out and as complex as possible with its music -- testing fans' patience in the service of proper anticipation, I guess -- and it didn't pass up any chance to get intricate last night. Time signatures switched constantly; silence appeared unexpectedly; riffs evolved subtly into other riffs; climaxes arrived and dissipated like clouds. This is all part of what makes Tool fans swoon. With so much processed sound swirling throughout the room, the resulting noise made it hard to follow a few songs. But the band compensated for that by playing many of their best-known numbers. ​For the encore, Keenan ditched his bodysuit and mohawk for a T-shirt and cowboy hat -- I guess showing off his Arizona vintner look. But he was no less menacing in the buff cowboy outfit. Especially not for the last song of the night -- the heavy, but also wordy "Aenima" -- which pretty much everyone shouted along to. This is where Keenan both invites the apocalypse and dismisses Hollywood. "Fuck these dysfunctional, insecure actresses," Keenan emphasized, and the black-clad males in the audience relished shouting along as the heaviness reached another high point. So what if they were sperm when Undertow was written? As last night's wide-ranging crowd proved, the might of Tool is all-consuming regardless of age. Intolerance was fat as F@#K. Who doubts his yelling ability now, huh? You could see the anger in his face, in his contortions. It was beautiful. It was raw. Thank you Tool. You know how to hit my G-Spot. The Patient is a whole different song live. Third Eye was glorious. I swear Adam teased Pushit. I did not have a heart attack, I know better. My girlfriend and I waited for almost an hour and then started wandering around backstage and met Justin.... Third Eye: Epic. Maynard should bring out the 'time travel' stories for this song instead of Intolerance, because it felt like being back on the Aenima tour. I have to say, Maynard was probably the most clear, and on top of the mix out of any of the Tool shows I've seen. Good job soundguys! MJK was out front of the mix and in the right spot. Now when's the new album, bitches?!?! =)))

Ziggy Pop: STEVE NILES & ADAM JONES COMIC BOOK RELEASED THE FIRST ISSUE of "30 DAYS OF NIGHT - THE X-FILES" by STEVE NILES and ADAM JONES has been released. More information here: http://popculturenetwork.com/article.php?story=20100714012111964

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: Now when's the new album, bitches?!?! классика не умрёт =)) Ziggy Pop пишет: STEVE NILES & ADAM JONES COMIC BOOK RELEASED первая обложка ничего, а вот третья - забавная какая-то =)

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: классика не умрёт =)) я этот вопрос (даже куда в более резких формах выраженный) задаю уже который год, всё круто, всё отлично, всё понравилось, но Б***Ь когда уже новее будет-то?!?! как-то так в общем=)) и тянется это после выхода каждого из альбомов, потому как запрягают они долго. Coma пишет: первая обложка ничего, а вот третья - забавная какая-то =) я б полистал, хочу прорисовку оценить

Ziggy Pop: more photoz from • July 12 Bill Graham Civic, San Francisco, CA

Ziggy Pop: летний мини-тур закончен, осталось подождать ещё года 2, и, того и гляди, новый альбом появится

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: осталось подождать ещё года 2 так долго?

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: так долго? вообще-то я надеюсь на 2011 год, как раз 5-летка выйдт очередная: 1996 - 2001 2001 - 2006 2006 - 2011 но вдруг это будет 2012?) как знать, всё может быть. Вот, один из поклонников столкнулся после концерта за сценой с могучим Дэнни, и тот ему сказал, что они втроём очень много пишут: talked to Danny after the show and he said him and Justin and Adam are writing a lot. Really excited. в общем, жду с моря погоды;)

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: на 2011 год, как раз 5-летка выйдет очередная: так вот, я про это и думала.. скорей бы уже

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: скорей бы уже всему своё время, не торопи события. Помню, как ждал нового альбома после выхода Aenima, 5 лет с 1996 по 2001 тянулись та-а-а-а-ак нереально долго, казалось, этот момент не настанет. Но это всё было из-за возраста и его физиолоических особенностей, в общем у любого человека до 20 лет время тянется медленнее, чем после этой цифры, медицинский научно доказанный факт. Nevermind короче;)

Ziggy Pop: A Perfect Circle spinning once more July 20th, 2010 A couple of cryptic updates have appeared on the A Perfect Circle website over the last couple of days. I’ll leave them up to you to decide what they could mean: 2010-07-19 Movement Subtle stealth movement. Keep eyes and ears peeled for clues thru all channels involving Ashes Divide and Puscifer. 2010-07-16 Stuff …is happening. первый пост на сайте группы за последние 2.5 года, stuff is happening, чтож, видимо что-то пишется

Ziggy Pop: 18/19 july @ Nokia Theatre, Los Angeles, CA "Third Eye" "Jambi" "(-) Ions" "Stinkfist" "Vicarious" "Intension" "Eon Blue Apocalypse" "The Patient" "Intolerance" "Schism" "The Pot" Encore: "Lateralus" "Aenema" мини-тур окончен, всем спасибо, все свободны ...and did anyone else get to talk to Alex Grey??? He was there with his wife and daughter...saw him before the show at the ticket booth and in front of the merch

Ziggy Pop: 18/19 july @ Nokia Theatre, Los Angeles, CA

Ziggy Pop: 18/19 july @ Nokia Theatre, Los Angeles, CA

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: мини-тур окончен жаль я уже привыкла смотреть новые афиши и фотографии=), за что, кстати, спасибо=) сейчас видео гляну)

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: новые афиши это не всё ещё, выложу и предыдущие за этот тур, которых не было тут;) Алекс Грэй был на последнем концерте, с женой и дочерью, крутой дед;)

Ziggy Pop: Blair has released the July 2010 Newsletter on Toolband, and it’s a short one. It briefly discusses the tour, their plans to continue writing and a four seeded peanut: I reached into a bag of peanuts, grabbed a handful, and upon cracking open the FIRST ONE, was amazed to see that it contained four perfectly formed peanuts. Immediately it hit me that this was a most auspicious sign – a harbinger of good things to come, as well as a signal from above that the unity experienced by the band members during the tour would carry over once it was finished, Indeed, I was confident that they would get right back to writing new material. He also mentioned that they will not tour again for at least six months, so there should be plenty of time to do what they gotta do. =)

Ziggy Pop: A Perfect Social Network A Perfect Circle have claimed a whole load of social networking pages recently, so it would appear that at least something is happening there. No word on what it will be at this stage, but my guess would be a couple of live shows. For those interested, you can keep a track of them via the following avenues: http://twitter.com/aperfectcircle http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/A-Perfect-Circle/130869646956607?v=wall

Ziggy Pop: ISSUE NUMBER 2 The cover of the upcoming 2ND ISSUE of "30 DAYS OF NIGHT - THE X FILES" by STEVE NILES and ADAM JONES

Ziggy Pop: but Kabir spoke with Danny who confirmed Tool are back songwriting. I’ve heard pretty much the same thing as well, so it looks like things are moving in the right direction for now!

Ziggy Pop: A Perfect Circle confirm West Coast Tour According to a recent post on the Tool Hotline, it’s been confirmed in the Team Puscifer message boards that there will be a West Coast A Perfect Circle tour. No details have been announced in regards to dates and venues, or who will actually be in the band. It’s safe to say that Maynard, Billy and Josh Freese will be involved, but the rest of the bands makeup seems to be open at this stage.

Ziggy Pop: на записи альбома Undertow a new Youtube video of more Tool footage from the Undertow recording sessions. Features some more footage with Henry Rollins, as well as a stack of drum tracking and general playing around. Also Maynard kissing a parrot. Good times!

Ziggy Pop: ещё оттуда же, настоящий раритет, без всяких там лишних пафосных слов. имеем: свинья Адама Dжонса, которая попала на заднюю обложку альбома, безумные ударные Dэнни Кэри и оккультные доски в студии возле его ударной установки, Мэйнард с усами, попугаем и мегафоном, мексиканцы, играющие интро для песни Crawl Away, создание рогато-рёберной хрени, изображённой потом на обложке пластинки, запись шизо-трека Disgustipated (пальба из ружья, уничтожение кувалдами пианинки), и многое другое, например, Генри Роллинз в студии. Ну и Сильвия Мэсси, которая записывала альбом.

Ziggy Pop: I know exactly what you’re thinking. What about Danny’s? Joni Mitchell, Meshuggah, Miles Davis… all night long! Shrill… pounding… all night long. How about the Tool loft? Bad idea. Tool is there. Writing, arranging, jamming… all day long! Plus there’s no room. Spooky junk everywhere

Ziggy Pop: On 8/17 they announced on WMMS in Cleveland that recording for the new album is already FINISHED. Maynard is waiting to get off the road with TOOL to go back to the studio to “place the finishing touches” on it. They are also launching a small “world” tour afterwards, which may or may not be expanded later. In a final note, Maynard states that he had originally planned to go into the studio with Trent Reznor by the end of this year, but the timing isn’t right. He says Trent is finishing another project now and when the APC tour is done they will write/record a new project together. “Great things are happening”….great things indeed. WMMS is one of the oldest, most reputable rock radio stations based out of Cleveland Ohio. The announcement was made at 11:45 pm on 8/17 on the “Big Rig Show”. Teased as “breaking APC news” before “Judith” was played, they announced after the song that “Maynard has back-burnered his project with Trent Reznor for the time being , as the timing isn’t right. Trent is too busy working on a project with his girlfriend. Maynard said he has already recorded the new APC tracks, and will be heading to the studio to place the finishing touches on them as soon as he gets off the road with Tool. The new APC album will be out by the end of the year. After that, APC will do a small world-wide tour starting in January 2011, that may or may not be expanded later. And after the tour wraps up, he will then be heading back to the studio with Reznor for a new project. Great things are happening“. That’s the whole statement. There was NO mention of anything with Tool. It sounds like his focus is now APC again (for the time being) and then will be doing something new again. очень странные новости

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