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Tool (ïðîäîëæåíèå)

Andy: Ïðî èíñòðóìåíò.

Îòâåòîâ - 301, ñòð: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 All

Ziggy Pop: Tom Morello & Adam Jones

Ziggy Pop: Maynard James Keenan talks about doing a country set at the Apollo http://www.mtvhive.com/playlists/2E603B02023B602E0001023B602E/mgid:playlist:video:mtvmusic.com:96517 åñëè íå ñïîåò Cuntry Boner - óáüþ The song is actually by Electric Sheep, which was a band with Tom Morello from RATM and Adam Jones from Tool back when they were in high school

Ziggy Pop: Tool (sans Maynard) are back writing again, as he (Blair) was helping Danny move some synths out of their rehearsal space to make room for Justin & Adam’s rigs.

Ziggy Pop: The full 120 Minutes interview with Maynard is now available online (skip to segment 18) http://www.mtvhive.com/playlists/2E603B02023B602E0001023B602E/mgid:playlist:video:mtvmusic.com:96623 Ýñìåðàëüäà è Òðåíò ïîðàäîâàëè, àõõàõà))

Ziggy Pop: ñëàâíûé ìàëûé))

Ziggy Pop: Puscifer at the Byham: We can drink to that http://blogs.sites.post-gazette.com/index.php/arts-a-entertainment/pop-noise/33295-puscifer-at-the-byham-we-can-drink-to-that After a few songs he noticed one thing out of order: "This ain't a church," he barked at the crowd. "You can stand up." =))

Ziggy Pop: Omaha GO Interview with Maynard Q. I really liked the harmonies with Carina Round. Your voices fit together really well. How did that come together. A. Most of it, I would just riff with myself. Just kind of come up with harmonies. Wherever I was super stuck I’d just have to walk away and get some perspective and hand it over to her. I’d hand it over to her, which was probably preferable in the beginning anyway. (laughs) http://www.omaha.com/article/20120301/GO/703019985

Ziggy Pop: âîò âàì íîâûé êóáèê-ðóáèê, ëîìàéòå ìîçã

Philosopher: íîâûé êóáèê â êóáå

Coma: hmmmm...

Ziggy Pop: it's a fake, i guess Coma ïèøåò: hmmmm... ÷òî?

Coma: Ziggy Pop ïèøåò: ÷òî? äà íè÷åãî ôèãíÿ ýòî )

Ziggy Pop: ýòî ñðàçó áûëî ÿñíî, îíè íèêîãäà íå âûêèäûâàþò íèêàêèõ ïðåâüþ ïåðåä àëüáîìàìè ñâîèìè íîâûìè îùóùåíèå òàêîå, ÷òî êòî-òî ïðîñòî âçÿë êóñêè Rosetta Stoned è Triad è ñêëåèë, èëè ïðîêðóòèëè â îáðàòíîì ïîðÿäêå è çàìèêñîâàëè, â îáùåì - âàðèàíòîâ ìíîãî, ãàäàòü íå õî÷ó )

Ziggy Pop: èíòðî ê Schism ñ ïðîøåäøåãî íåäàâíî òóðà, à íå íîâûé ìàòåðèàë íåïëîõî çàïèñàíî êñòàòè âîò åùå: ñëîæíî ñêàçàòü, âîéäåò ýòîò êóñîê â íîâûé àëüáîì èëè íåò, ïðîãíîçèðîâàòü â äàííîì ñëó÷àå - äåëî íåáëàãîäàðíîå õîòÿ ñ äðóãîé ñòîðîíû, îòðûâîê Wings For Marie, êîòîðûé èãðàëè èíîãäà âî âðåìÿ Lateralus-òóðà â 2002 ãîäó, ÷åðåç íåñêîëüêî ëåò îôîðìèëñÿ â ïåñíþ íà àëüáîìå 10 000 Days, òàê ÷òî çàãàäûâàòü íå áóäó, âîçìîæíî âñå ÷òî êàñàåòñÿ ïåðâîãî íåïîíÿòíîãî êóñêà íà 45 ñåêóíä - õç âîîáùå, ÷òî ýòî òàêîå

Ziggy Pop: Puscifer's Maynard James Keenan is no rock star Maynard James Keenan sometimes thinks these sunglasses weren’t worth killing that highway patrolman for, but then he remembers how good he looks. The veteran musician and winemaker has no interest in watering his product down for the masses http://www.straight.com/article-627161/vancouver/puscifers-keenan-no-rock-star

Ziggy Pop: Puscifer to play Bonnaroo Puscifer will be joining such great acts as Radiohead, Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Skrillex at the 2012 Bonnaroo festival.

Ziggy Pop: the guys were able to get more writing done on Monday

Ziggy Pop: TOOL Frontman Sounds Off On Illegal Music Downloading Mar. 14, 2012 an interview Maynard has given with Carl Sundberg of the Standard Ass Rock Show on Oregon radio station KFLY. Surprisingly the questioning isn’t as douchebaggy as I’ve come to expect from US radio. Here’s a quote regarding music downloads and it’s effect on the industry: MJK: I think it’s a much bigger conversation. I think part of the problem with most of that is just the foundation of respect or entitlement. I think ‘entitlement’ is probably the better word. I think, just in general, our society has gotten to the point where just you click a button, you get what you want when you want it. So until we get to a point where we realize you don’t necessarily always get what you want when you want it, we’re gonna have a problem. So it stems from there. And then things like file-sharing and the Internet kind of lend themselves to that mindset. So, some day, hopefully, we’ll adjust that perspective . . . And until somebody has actually written a check to record their own record and see everything that goes into it, they don’t really understand that if you just take it… The current state of music, I’m sure there’s a lot of creative stuff going on out there, but there certainly isn’t — of course, I’m being nostalgic — but it doesn’t seem like there’s as much, creatively, going on, ’cause most people can’t afford to do it. http://legacy.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=171222

Ziggy Pop: Vic Firth Signature Artist: Danny Carey Finally something for Tool fans can get their teeth into. Danny Carey is the spotlight artist for Vic Firth, and they’ve published a great video interview on which Danny talks about pretty much everything, including a plan to be in the studio by June/July http://www.vicfirth.com/artists/carey.php Äýííè Êýðè ïîâåäàë â èíòåðâüþ, ÷òî ãðóïïà ïëàíèðóåò çàëåçòü â ñòóäèþ â èþíå / èþëå

Ziggy Pop: âèäèìî ê êîíöó 2012 ãîäà çàïèøóò àëüáîì

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