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Tool (продолжение)

Andy: Про инструмент.

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Ziggy Pop: another shot of Adam at the loft during Tool song writing sessions

Ziggy Pop: West la school of rock plays Led Zepplin with Tolls Danny

Ziggy Pop: повезло детишкам)

Ziggy Pop: Danny also offered an update on the new album: While the group hasn’t fully returned to recording, he did admit that they “have he framework of at least 5 good songs,” and that they hope to finish their next album by the end of the year

Ziggy Pop: School of Rock West LA House Band plays with Tool's drummer, Danny Carey May 2012 корявый кавер на "Vicarious", детям можно, им прощается всё=) Дэнни, конечно, угорел с ними

Ziggy Pop: A Perfect Circle - RARE TV Interview [2000]

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: Tori Amos Interviews Maynard [RARE] 2003/2004

Ziggy Pop: Lateralus Webcast [FULL] EXTREMELY RARE! April 17, 2001. This is Tool's second webcast, after the Salival one. This time only Maynard, Justin and Adam answer fan questions. The moderator is this time a computer generated voice.

Ziggy Pop: Salival Webcast [FULL] EXTREMELY RARE! 2000 This is the band's first webcast, done sometime in 2000 before Salival was released. It's quite amusing and certainly a little rare Tool gem since these guys are rarely really funny on camera or radio. The moderator is Blair McKenzie Blake, a very close friend to the band for years now. He also maintains their website

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: Danny Carey и дети=) хм )) развлекается, молодец Ziggy Pop пишет: they hope to finish their next album by the end of the year ждём

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: хм )) развлекается, молодец когда дети вырастут, то осознают, что им довелось поиграть с Легендой, чёрт, круто)) Coma пишет: ждём 6-ой год уже как

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: когда дети вырастут, то осознают, что им довелось поиграть с Легендой, чёрт, круто)) а Легенда что осознает? ) Ziggy Pop пишет: 6-ой год уже как ну да.. и ещё подождём, никуда не денемся)

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: а Легенда что осознает? ) да просто с детками разминается слегка за ударной установкой=) насчёт осознания - это вряд ли, Дэнни ведь оккультист, там всё сложно и запутано, да и нафиг ему лавры эти

Ziggy Pop: 2004 This is Tool's third and last webcast. The moderator this time is once again Blair McKenzie Blake, author, close friend and maintainer of Tool's website

Ziggy Pop: Who knows what this is. This little piece is found at the end of Tool’s 2004 webcast. Is it random music? Is it part of unreleased Lateralus music? хммм...

Ziggy Pop: Who knows what this is. This little piece is found at the end of Tool’s 2004 webcast. Is it random music? Is it part of unreleased Lateralus music? похоже на зачаточную версию "Jambi"

Ziggy Pop: In case you missed Adam's recent twitter post, here's a production still from a new TOOL PROJECT that should be out in the Fall. https://twitter.com/AdamJones_tv/status/208142015945375744/photo/1/large

Philosopher: скажу банальность, но ХОЧУ НОВЫЙ АЛЬБОМ!!!!

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