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Tool (продолжение)

Andy: Про инструмент.

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Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: а где те, которые с автографами, м? ) э, какие?)

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: э, какие?) которые ты мне обещал Завтра, а прошло вот уже много завтра )) напоминаю: скопилось немного, виртуальных, разумеется) разных лет в общем постеры ок, завтра) мне необходимо подредактировать их немного ща черкану тебе пару автографов за мэйнарда=P =)

Philosopher: Coma да он упоротый был, что ты веришь то сразу

Coma: Philosopher пишет: что ты веришь то сразу потому что я упоротонаивная, и что теперь )

Philosopher: и всё теперь

Ziggy Pop: и вот теперь: аххахаха)))

Coma: м-да, впечатляет)

Ziggy Pop: когда сегодня утром увидел, первая мысль была - либо это рыба блюет, либо она проглотила каракатицу или кальмара там, например, и хвост торчит у нее из пасти)) судя по подписи, это Dжонс и нарисовал кому-то на плакате) шизик)) обожаю его стайл))

Ziggy Pop: Philosopher пишет: да он упоротый был вот так всегда, пишешь трезвый - говорят, что упоротый, пишешь упоротый - никто и не замечает, хм, парадокс...))

Ziggy Pop: новый альбом Тул - "Блюющая Рыба", хахаха, не смешно, да и ладно, все равно рисунок четкий)

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: первая мысль была - либо это рыба блюет, так и есть ) судя по глазу, ей очень плохо))

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: судя по глазу, ей очень плохо)) судя по глазу, ее отец сам Альберт Хофманн, мать его)))) блядь, скоро ведь новый альбом выходит... пиздец...

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: судя по глазу, ее отец сам Альберт Хофманн ну да)) я так понимаю, вопрос с постерами закрыт), ну.. ок, зато есть афиша с блюющей рыбой, в конце концов ))

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: скоро ведь новый альбом выходит... пиздец... скоро ли?

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: закрыт), нет пока) Coma пишет: скоро ли? 6 лет в мае будет с момента выхода последнего, 6 лет, мать их, не 6 часов, не 6 дней, и даже не 6 месяцев, а целых 6 лет, да столько всего произошло за это время, страшно подумать даже ждать нам 7 лет, мне так кажется

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: целых 6 лет а ведь точно... мрак. ну, тогда не страшно ещё несколько лет подождать)

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: не страшно ещё несколько лет подождать) да завсегда пожалуйста) уж сколько этих 5-леток было, переживем)

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: нет пока) это радует Ziggy Pop пишет: уж сколько этих 5-леток было, переживем) ну да) тем более, в данном случае результат, я уверена, будет достойным

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: в данном случае в данном случае, когда 5-ый альбом выйдет, будет тур в поддержку оного, и, как мне кажется, ну, по крайней мере очень надеюсь на это, он должны все же приехать в Европу там-то я их и сцапаю Coma пишет: это радует

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: Coma и многое-многое другое) в общем, проверь ссылку прям Декодер, хаха))

Ziggy Pop:

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: прям Декодер, хаха)) точно)), а я думаю, что такое знакомое)) Ziggy Pop пишет: 25-th Jan, Air Canada Centre, Toronto, Ontario синяя тень!!

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: очно)), а я думаю, что такое знакомое)) что-то схожее есть, мне так показалось) Coma пишет: синяя тень!! blue as our new second sun (c)

Coma: вот этот постер, который с Meshuggah, 13 окт., очч-ч-ч-чень классный

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: будет тур в поддержку оного, и, как мне кажется, ну, по крайней мере очень надеюсь на это, он должны все же приехать в Европу не-а обязаны )

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: Meshuggah да и они тоже ничего, хаха, крутые шведы, вот на днях смотрел беседу с ними по поводу выхода нового альбома, смешное интервью в общем) Coma пишет: обязаны ) ждем)

Ziggy Pop: 20-th Jan, Verizon Arena, Dallas, TX 21-st Jan, Verizon Arena, Dallas, TX

Ziggy Pop: Jan 24-th, Huntington Center, Toledo, OH 01 Hooker With A Penis 02 Jambi 03 Stinkfist 04 Ticks & Leeches 05 Pushit 06 Schism 07 Intension 08 Forty Six & 2 09 Lateralus 10 Ænema audio + video 2.47 Gb http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-details.php?id=391605 http://zombtracker.the-zomb.com/details.php?id=41627

Ziggy Pop:

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: аххаха)) отлично)))

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: audio + video 2.47 Gb ну вот.. надо срочно разгружать ноут, места совсем уже нет для всего этого добра)

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: места совсем уже нет для всего этого добра) тяну потихоньку) Coma пишет: отлично))) американские поклонники уже говорят, что группе надо срочно сделать футболки с этой картинкой и продавать перед концертами)

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: 28-th January 2012, TD Garden, Boston, MA

Ziggy Pop: 24-th January 2012, Huntington Center, Toledo, OH Tool is about the music, the sound, not stage antics. Go to a Circus if you want to see things backflip on fire!

Coma: мой ноут всё-таки выдержал атаку тулофотографий, ура))

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: мой ноут всё-таки выдержал атаку тулофотографий, ура)) хе-хе-хе))

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: хе-хе-хе)) вот тебе смешно, а у меня всё зависло минуты так на 23)) но я же не могла НЕ посмотреть)

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: надо срочно разгружать ноут, места совсем уже нет для всего этого добра) вчера скачалось

Ziggy Pop: Puscifer video for Telling Ghosts due tomorrow February 1, 2012 According to a new post on the Puscifer Facebook Page, a new video for the track Telling Ghosts will be available on the Spin website sometime tomorrow

Ziggy Pop: 29-th Jan, Susquehanna Bank Center, Camden, NJ

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: а вот и клип: Puscifer - "Telling Ghosts"

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: 31-st Jan, Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville, CT не нравится мне этот постер, ну совсем никак Ziggy Pop пишет: 1-st Feb, Izod Center, East Rutherford, NJ вот, это другое дело)

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: не нравится мне этот постер просто негативное отображение плаката за 29 января я вижу там полную луну зато, что тоже неплохо) Coma пишет: другое дело) дальше видимо внутренности посыпятся будет рыбная требуха)

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: просто негативное отображение плаката за 29 января я поняла) мне сама картинка не нравится Ziggy Pop пишет: дальше видимо внутренности посыпятся )) и пусть!!

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: мне сама картинка не нравится монстры ему удаются куда лучше, чем женщины)

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: You heard it here first, song list for next album will include: Fishy Six & 2 Stinkfish Eon Blue Apocafish Fishism (-) Fish Fish & Leeches Fisher With a Penis Interfishion Fishposition Vicarifish Fish de Oiad and finally, an extended version of... Swim Away Fisheralus =)

Coma: рыбное безумие ))

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: рыбное безумие )) да, Эпоха Рыб в 2012 году заканчивается, наконец-то)

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: 2012-01-31 Mohegan Sun Arena Uncasville, CT, USA Master>Dvd NTSC Boston soon Bluray sometime Hooker With A Penis Jambi Stinkfist Ticks & Leeches Pushit Schism Intension Forty Six & 2 Lateralus Ænema audience shot panasonic camera http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-details.php?id=392462 http://www.mediafire.com/?de8pfkleqasdmjw

Ziggy Pop: Tool's Bass Tech, Chris Schlyer

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: монстры ему удаются куда лучше, чем женщины) так это его разве? а у думала, что: Adam's girlfriend drew the poster

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: а у думала, что:  цитата: Adam's girlfriend drew the poster она рисовала только первые 4 в этом туре остальные работы его

Coma: хммм, ну понятно а ведь похоже значит просто мне не нравится модерн+tool, вот и всё )

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: модерн в таких словах не разбираюсь)))

Ziggy Pop:

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: в таких словах не разбираюсь))) ну да, конечно)

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: ну да, конечно) ))

Ziggy Pop: Puscifer will be appearing on Jimmy Kimmel Live on the 16-th of February, and will be performing Telling Ghosts

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: NEWS FROM THE ARIZONA REPUBLIC Rocker, winemaker Maynard James Keenan sets AZ roots an article

Ziggy Pop: scissorfishism the end

Ziggy Pop:

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: самый лучший плакат)))) )) Ziggy Pop пишет: danny carey, 2012)) "доброта спасёт мир" ))

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: "доброта спасёт мир" )) и винсяо от мжк) Coma пишет: )) Dжонс очень рад, судя по его выражению, аххахахахаха))))

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: и винсяо от мжк) ага) Ziggy Pop пишет: Dжонс очень рад, судя по его выражению это ужасно, что с ним )))

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: это ужасно, что с ним ))) он болен

Ziggy Pop: http://www.johnzguitar.com/znoize/BHPpreview1.mp3 Volto! (Danny Carey) John Zeigler from Volto! has just posted a preview of the new album up on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/VOLTOband/posts/294024207318641 Volto! (styled as VOLTO!) are an American jazz rock fusion jam band group from Los Angeles, California. They are a quartet, featuring Kirk Covington, Lance Morrison, John Ziegler, and Danny Carey, who live and work in the Los Angeles area. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volto! http://www.myspace.com/volto http://www.voltoband.com Danny Carey & Kirk Covington w/ VOLTO! Live 1/17/08 Double Drum Solo "X-plorato" / "Stratus"

Ziggy Pop: http://tooltabs.net

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: Lateralus cover preformed by the advanced 2 guitar class at Lehman high school in the Bronx Taught by Dave Rose не впечатлило) японцы тогда кавер куда лучше сделали

Ziggy Pop: Tool_06.26.2007_St. Paul, MN, USA @ Xcel Center 01 intro (0:37) 02 Jambi (8:09) 03 (-) Ions (0:17) 04 Stinkfist (7:00) (Extended) 05 #interlude# (1:29) 06 Forty Six & Two (6:21) 07 Schism (10:13) (Extended Double Time) 08 Lost Keys (Blame Hofmann) (5:48) 09 Rosetta Stoned (11:43) 10 Flood (12:17) 11 #intermission# (6:47) 12 Wings For Marie (pt. I) (7:03) 13 10.000 Days (Wings pt. II) (11:37) 14 Lateralus (18:38) (Extended Drum Solo with Cody Willis from Big Business) 15 Vicarious (7:43) 320 http://ifolder.ru/28185764

Ziggy Pop: Tom Morello & Adam Jones

Ziggy Pop: Maynard James Keenan talks about doing a country set at the Apollo http://www.mtvhive.com/playlists/2E603B02023B602E0001023B602E/mgid:playlist:video:mtvmusic.com:96517 если не споет Cuntry Boner - убью The song is actually by Electric Sheep, which was a band with Tom Morello from RATM and Adam Jones from Tool back when they were in high school

Ziggy Pop: Tool (sans Maynard) are back writing again, as he (Blair) was helping Danny move some synths out of their rehearsal space to make room for Justin & Adam’s rigs.

Ziggy Pop: The full 120 Minutes interview with Maynard is now available online (skip to segment 18) http://www.mtvhive.com/playlists/2E603B02023B602E0001023B602E/mgid:playlist:video:mtvmusic.com:96623 Эсмеральда и Трент порадовали, аххаха))

Ziggy Pop: славный малый))

Ziggy Pop: Puscifer at the Byham: We can drink to that http://blogs.sites.post-gazette.com/index.php/arts-a-entertainment/pop-noise/33295-puscifer-at-the-byham-we-can-drink-to-that After a few songs he noticed one thing out of order: "This ain't a church," he barked at the crowd. "You can stand up." =))

Ziggy Pop: Omaha GO Interview with Maynard Q. I really liked the harmonies with Carina Round. Your voices fit together really well. How did that come together. A. Most of it, I would just riff with myself. Just kind of come up with harmonies. Wherever I was super stuck I’d just have to walk away and get some perspective and hand it over to her. I’d hand it over to her, which was probably preferable in the beginning anyway. (laughs) http://www.omaha.com/article/20120301/GO/703019985

Ziggy Pop: вот вам новый кубик-рубик, ломайте мозг

Philosopher: новый кубик в кубе

Coma: hmmmm...

Ziggy Pop: it's a fake, i guess Coma пишет: hmmmm... что?

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: что? да ничего фигня это )

Ziggy Pop: это сразу было ясно, они никогда не выкидывают никаких превью перед альбомами своими новыми ощущение такое, что кто-то просто взял куски Rosetta Stoned и Triad и склеил, или прокрутили в обратном порядке и замиксовали, в общем - вариантов много, гадать не хочу )

Ziggy Pop: интро к Schism с прошедшего недавно тура, а не новый материал неплохо записано кстати вот еще: сложно сказать, войдет этот кусок в новый альбом или нет, прогнозировать в данном случае - дело неблагодарное хотя с другой стороны, отрывок Wings For Marie, который играли иногда во время Lateralus-тура в 2002 году, через несколько лет оформился в песню на альбоме 10 000 Days, так что загадывать не буду, возможно все что касается первого непонятного куска на 45 секунд - хз вообще, что это такое

Ziggy Pop: Puscifer's Maynard James Keenan is no rock star Maynard James Keenan sometimes thinks these sunglasses weren’t worth killing that highway patrolman for, but then he remembers how good he looks. The veteran musician and winemaker has no interest in watering his product down for the masses http://www.straight.com/article-627161/vancouver/puscifers-keenan-no-rock-star

Ziggy Pop: Puscifer to play Bonnaroo Puscifer will be joining such great acts as Radiohead, Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Skrillex at the 2012 Bonnaroo festival.

Ziggy Pop: the guys were able to get more writing done on Monday

Ziggy Pop: TOOL Frontman Sounds Off On Illegal Music Downloading Mar. 14, 2012 an interview Maynard has given with Carl Sundberg of the Standard Ass Rock Show on Oregon radio station KFLY. Surprisingly the questioning isn’t as douchebaggy as I’ve come to expect from US radio. Here’s a quote regarding music downloads and it’s effect on the industry: MJK: I think it’s a much bigger conversation. I think part of the problem with most of that is just the foundation of respect or entitlement. I think ‘entitlement’ is probably the better word. I think, just in general, our society has gotten to the point where just you click a button, you get what you want when you want it. So until we get to a point where we realize you don’t necessarily always get what you want when you want it, we’re gonna have a problem. So it stems from there. And then things like file-sharing and the Internet kind of lend themselves to that mindset. So, some day, hopefully, we’ll adjust that perspective . . . And until somebody has actually written a check to record their own record and see everything that goes into it, they don’t really understand that if you just take it… The current state of music, I’m sure there’s a lot of creative stuff going on out there, but there certainly isn’t — of course, I’m being nostalgic — but it doesn’t seem like there’s as much, creatively, going on, ’cause most people can’t afford to do it. http://legacy.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=171222

Ziggy Pop: Vic Firth Signature Artist: Danny Carey Finally something for Tool fans can get their teeth into. Danny Carey is the spotlight artist for Vic Firth, and they’ve published a great video interview on which Danny talks about pretty much everything, including a plan to be in the studio by June/July http://www.vicfirth.com/artists/carey.php Дэнни Кэри поведал в интервью, что группа планирует залезть в студию в июне / июле

Ziggy Pop: видимо к концу 2012 года запишут альбом

Ziggy Pop: Just look at the process for the last album. Tool went into the studio in August of 2005. They then finished all recording/mixing by December 05′ and then 10K Days came out in May of 2006. If Tool is actually entering the studio this summer to record, I think realistically the album would come out around spring-time next year. 7 years since 10K Days…but shit… an album featuring mostly riffs written by Justin… plus hearing Danny drumming in 17 and 13 time signatures. Totally worth the wait. remember last year hearing “It will definately be done by the end of the year”. I’ll believe it when I see pics of them in the studio We all know that the Mayans 12/21/12 date is a prediction of the next Tool album release date, not the end of the world. So what if they’re off a couple of months, not a bad guess imo. the reason why this album has been taking so long isnt maynards fault everything isnt maynards fault

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: everything isnt maynards fault в этом никто и не сомневается, да )) но не так и весело всё это на самом деле

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: но не так и весело всё это на самом деле что именно?

Ziggy Pop: Caduceus to be featured on Hollywood and Vines TV show Maynard’s Caduceus Cellars should feature in the first episode of Season Three: Year Three starts with a big bang. Michael Buble headlines an intimate outdoor concert at Beringer Vineyards in Napa we also talk to winemaker Laurie Hook and visit downtown Napa with Executive Chef Ken Frank at La Toque after a walk through the sensational The Westin Verasa Napa! Then it’s off to Phoenix Arizona and the Hollywood and Wine friendly Arizona Biltmore. We throw some food around with the chefs at Frank and Alberts. This is stunning Cochise Territory where Maynard and his team are making big reds and very drinkable whites. They’re truly on to something special. Maynard’s not just giving us new wines to chase but he’s shining a spotlight on Arizona wines. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/british-columbia/tom-hawthorn/vancouver-rock-dj-radio-host-tv-personality-prepared-for-almost-anything/article2385056/ http://www.hollywoodandvinestv.com

Ziggy Pop: Danny features in Paiste Magazine March 31, 2012 As Blair promised, Danny has featured in the latest Paiste Magazine, where he talks about a range of drumming, Volto! and Tool topics: - So, you guys are back in writing mode right now? - Yes… Justin, Adam & I are working on some stuff and Maynard will join us in another month or so, once he finished up with his ‘other band’. We’d like to get in the studio by May or June and holpefully get our new record done by the fall…we’ll see how things go. Right now, we’re throwing riffs around and seeing what feels good. So far, it’s turning out to be a bit more on the heavier side…Adam is really rockin’ out, so it’s exciting. http://www.paiste.com/magazine/index.php PDF: http://www.paiste.com/magazine/PAISTE_magazine_highres.pdf

Ziggy Pop: DMB Adding Minnesota Festival? Posted by Jake Vigliotti in Tour News on 3/30/12 7:22am The Summer Tour for the Dave Matthews Band may not be out of tour stops just yet. The Star Tribune out of Minnesota is reporting that DMB may perform on June 24 on Harriet Island in St. Paul, MN. Tool would headline the 1st day of the 2-day festival the day prior. This is just a rumor for now, but Stefan (who incidentally worships Tool) has heavily alluded to the fact that it is true on his Twitter account, and a few Minnesotans (or is it Minnesotavites?) have sent in some emails saying "yep, it's true". But as always, we caution fans to wait around for an official announcement from The Warehouse before you go an book a plane ticket. http://antsmarching.org/news/tags.php?tag=DMB%20Harriet%20Island

Ziggy Pop: As I mentioned in the latest (expanded) newsletter (click on "newsletter"), while visiting the Tool loft the other day, I saw this on a smaller second Dry-Erase board (containing what appear to be a few mnemonics). I'm not sure what it means, but thought that it was interesting to see THAT title again after all these years. (Also see my post below.)

Ziggy Pop: "... Which brings us to the "holy grail" that I mentioned earlier. No, it's not a cheap guitar signed hastily backstage by all four band members as part of some radio promo. It also doesn't concern bizarre video props or some Xeroxed set-list that includes "The Grudge", and which is also signed by Maynard (most likely fabricated). It's not even the lyrics to a popular Tool song hand written on a Ralph's grocery bag. No, this is something REALLY special. Are you ready? Suppose I was to tell you that there is a Tool song - recorded in a studio - that hasn't been heard except for by a handful of people, and that virtually no one outside of the band (and a few others) is aware of its very existence? Keep in mind, this is not a cover (not the rumored "Crazy Train"), nor is it a glorified segue that never made it onto a record. This is an original full-blown Tool song complete with vocals and lyrics. The title of this tune is "Problem 8 (The Riemann Hypothesis)", and it was recorded many years ago - so long ago, in fact, that I don't remember who played bass, although I want to say it was Justin. The length is somewhere in the six-minute range (if my memory serves me correctly), but whatever it is, the exact time had something to do with the unsolved and mysterious nature of the title. Now, not only was the song professionally recorded; it was actually 'issued' in a manufactured medium (though I'm not going to say whether this was vinyl, a CD, or cassette tape). Because of the ingenious way it was made available to the public, "Problem 8" , in my opinion, constitutes the ultimate hidden track. Only, don't go looking for it among your collection (most of you, that is!), as there are no more than 30 copies on the planet. As for those who have one, most, I'm sure, aren't aware of it, even though it might be staring them right in the eye on a near daily basis. The reason they aren't aware of it, is because they'd never think to play it. Okay, enough said..."

Ziggy Pop: When Alex was asked if he had any involvement in the new Tool Album he basically said, “I’m pretty sure they are looking at other artists, but I really don’t know.” Someone else called out, “He (I think MJK or Adam) could call you tomorrow right?” Alex responded, “Yeah…” So it sounds like Alex Grey is not involved at all with the new Tool album artwork. Alex did however mention that that Tool has contacted him at the last minute for his involvement with artwork to be used for their tour and backdrops, specifically noting that the “pillar/head” design that tool used as a backdrop in 2009-2011 was not even close to be finished when the band called him up and asked him if they could use it.

Ziggy Pop: "All The Pretty Swindles" (remixed by Puscifer)_4:43_2012 320 http://ifolder.ru/29695739 New Puscifer remix available from FIX: The Ministry Movie, "All The Pretty Swindles" By Paul Barker, Remixed by Puscifer

Ziggy Pop: "All The Pretty Swindles" WAV http://ifolder.ru/29711266

Ziggy Pop: Tool confirmed for River’s Edge Music Festival April 7, 2012 It seems that Tool are really playing the River’s Edge Music Festival on Harriet Island, Minnesota. The gig, which according to the press release is “their only US date of the year” (I presume they really mean to say it’s a one off Tool show without any other dates) is happening on the 23rd & 24th of June. Also on the lineup is Puscifer, so perhaps we may see some Tool members helping out during the set, or at least drinking wine or beer on stage.

Ziggy Pop: From the first episode of HBO's Mr. Show. Note: the lead singer of Puscifer is Maynard James Keenan from Tool. He makes a few brief appearances in other episodes as well. Адам Джонс тоже присутствует)

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: Titannica, like Shandi's Addiction, is a "fake" band created by Maynard solely for the purpose of making the song Ass Kickin' Fat Kid, which appears in the movie Run, Ronnie, Run. Oddly, the song does not appear on the soundtrack; the audio spread around the internet was ripped direclty from the movie. http://themaynardproject.wetpaint.com/page/Titannica

Ziggy Pop: TOOL'S REHEARSAL SPACE A rare glimpse inside Tool's storied loft - one of a dozen or so photos recently taken by Adam, Danny, and Justin while writing and arranging their contributions to the next Tool record. (Note: When Adam sent me these photos last night, I was both amazed and a bit confused because certain areas of the rehearsal space were in the past always deemed off-limits to photography. What caused this sudden change of heart to a long-standing policy I do not know, but I am certainly excited to share with fans of the band a place of such historic significance - the small room where every Tool song [from "Opiate" to the present works] was written. Think about that for a minute. Every Tool song was written in the same place. I can't imagine this ever happening with any other major band in history of rock music - they having written all of the music on all of their records over the decades in the same small room. But, that's exactly what Tool has done at the loft festina lente

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: DANNY CAREY & THE MANDALA DRUM "GOOD DRUMMERS PLAY MUSIC, NOT BEATS" Danny talks about drums and the musical experience in a NEW VIDEO by the folks over at Mandala. "I think a lot of drummers get caught up playing beats, and I think any good drummer plays music." The first one is a promotional video of sorts on the Mandala Drum channel on Youtube. It shows Danny playing his range of Mandala drums during a sound check prior to the 2012 Las Vegas gig http://mandaladrum.com

Ziggy Pop: PUSCIFER 2012 SUMMER TOUR DATES: 06/09 - Manchester, TN @ Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival 06/11 - Tampa, FL @ Ferguson Hall @ Tampa Performing Arts Center 06/12 - Miami, FL @ Olympia Theatre @ Gusman Performing Arts Center 06/13 - Orlando, FL @ Hard Rock Live 06/15 - Baltimore, MD @ Lyric Opera House 06/16 - Asbury Park, NJ @ Paramount Theatre 06/17 - Reading, PA @ Soverign Performing Arts Center 06/18 - Richmond, VA @ The National 06/20 - Buffalo, NY @ Riviera Theatre 06/21 - Columbus, OH @ LC Indoor Pavilion 06/24 - St. Paul, MN @ River's Edge Festival 06/27 - Houston, TX @ Bayou Music Center 06/28 - San Antonio, TX @ Lila Cockrell Theatre 06/30 - Prescott, AZ @ Yavapai College Performance Arts Center

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: another shot of Adam at the loft during Tool song writing sessions

Ziggy Pop: West la school of rock plays Led Zepplin with Tolls Danny

Ziggy Pop: повезло детишкам)

Ziggy Pop: Danny also offered an update on the new album: While the group hasn’t fully returned to recording, he did admit that they “have he framework of at least 5 good songs,” and that they hope to finish their next album by the end of the year

Ziggy Pop: School of Rock West LA House Band plays with Tool's drummer, Danny Carey May 2012 корявый кавер на "Vicarious", детям можно, им прощается всё=) Дэнни, конечно, угорел с ними

Ziggy Pop: A Perfect Circle - RARE TV Interview [2000]

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: Tori Amos Interviews Maynard [RARE] 2003/2004

Ziggy Pop: Lateralus Webcast [FULL] EXTREMELY RARE! April 17, 2001. This is Tool's second webcast, after the Salival one. This time only Maynard, Justin and Adam answer fan questions. The moderator is this time a computer generated voice.

Ziggy Pop: Salival Webcast [FULL] EXTREMELY RARE! 2000 This is the band's first webcast, done sometime in 2000 before Salival was released. It's quite amusing and certainly a little rare Tool gem since these guys are rarely really funny on camera or radio. The moderator is Blair McKenzie Blake, a very close friend to the band for years now. He also maintains their website

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: Danny Carey и дети=) хм )) развлекается, молодец Ziggy Pop пишет: they hope to finish their next album by the end of the year ждём

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: хм )) развлекается, молодец когда дети вырастут, то осознают, что им довелось поиграть с Легендой, чёрт, круто)) Coma пишет: ждём 6-ой год уже как

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: когда дети вырастут, то осознают, что им довелось поиграть с Легендой, чёрт, круто)) а Легенда что осознает? ) Ziggy Pop пишет: 6-ой год уже как ну да.. и ещё подождём, никуда не денемся)

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: а Легенда что осознает? ) да просто с детками разминается слегка за ударной установкой=) насчёт осознания - это вряд ли, Дэнни ведь оккультист, там всё сложно и запутано, да и нафиг ему лавры эти

Ziggy Pop: 2004 This is Tool's third and last webcast. The moderator this time is once again Blair McKenzie Blake, author, close friend and maintainer of Tool's website

Ziggy Pop: Who knows what this is. This little piece is found at the end of Tool’s 2004 webcast. Is it random music? Is it part of unreleased Lateralus music? хммм...

Ziggy Pop: Who knows what this is. This little piece is found at the end of Tool’s 2004 webcast. Is it random music? Is it part of unreleased Lateralus music? похоже на зачаточную версию "Jambi"

Ziggy Pop: In case you missed Adam's recent twitter post, here's a production still from a new TOOL PROJECT that should be out in the Fall. https://twitter.com/AdamJones_tv/status/208142015945375744/photo/1/large

Philosopher: скажу банальность, но ХОЧУ НОВЫЙ АЛЬБОМ!!!!

Ziggy Pop: скоро всё будет

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: adam + king buzzo вот эту первый раз вижу=)

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: вот эту первый раз вижу=) там по ходу какое-то бухалити было)

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: там по ходу какое-то бухалити было) да уж, это сложно не заметить))

Ziggy Pop: Базз в говно, косая рожа)

Coma: да и Адам кажется не совсем трезв =)

Ziggy Pop: он типа бодрится и делает вид, что всё ок)

Coma: но, надо отметить, не очень хорошо у него это получается =)

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: не очень хорошо у него это получается =) а что, вполне трезвый и осмысленный взгляд, не?)

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: вполне трезвый и осмысленный взгляд, не?) видимо у нас разные представления о трезвой осмысленности во взгляде =))

Ziggy Pop: да ладно, просто взгляд исподлобья) он всегда так смотрит, с его болезнью-то

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: да ладно, просто взгляд исподлобья) пусть будет так, я не против)

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: justin chancellor хорошее фото некоторые первый раз вижу, спасибо, утащила=)

Ziggy Pop: ~JC came by 2day. Ate some lunch, jammed some ideas, & eyeballed a dead seal with its head bit off by a shark pic. Adam Jones

Deferceptorg: поздний Тул в последнее время впирает

Ziggy Pop: Deferceptorg пишет: поздний Тул в последнее время впирает поведай учителю, что именно тебя впирает?

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Deferceptorg: Ziggy Pop пишет: поведай учителю, что именно тебя впирает? о учитель, я достоин звания капитан-очевидность, так как меня впирает их музыка

Ziggy Pop: Deferceptorg так поведай же свою очевидно-невероятную историю

Ziggy Pop: 1993

Ziggy Pop: Tool_2002/04/11_Akasaka Blitz (2-nd night) , Tokyo, Japan 01 announcer (in Japanese) > Tuva (Intro) (8:02) 02 The Grudge > (-) Ions (8:45) 03 Stinkfist (Suspicious Minds) (7:06) 04 4° (8:26) 05 Parabol (3:08) 06 Parabola (7:10) 07 Schism (8:10) 08 Sober (6:15) 09 Disposition (5:25) 10 Reflection (10:42) 11 #intermission# (6:25) 12 (Parabola Video Screening) (10:13) 13 Triad (9:42) 14 Eon Blue Apocalypse (1:07) 15 The Patient (8:22) 16 Lateralus (10:25) FLAC http://narod.ru/disk/62899560001.397c48e9ef34e1fa790afeb2f5335253/tool2002-04-11%20-%20Tokyo%2C%20Japan.rar.html в японском языке нет буквы "Л", забавно слышать, как японцы выкрикивают название группы ну и это тоже в точку: The crowd is very mellow during & between songs. Clapping/cheering when they are, ideologically, supposed to. This is very different from listening to an American audience. In America, when we talk, we seem to want everyone to hear our opinion for some reason. At this show, there are time when it is completely silent in the theatre. Very cool. You can hear the subtle crash of the symbols as well as a detailed examination of the cricket noises in Parabol. A very good, rock solid recording sound-wise. Crowd noise is exceedingly minimal & many times it seems as though no one is even there... or breathing. Kind of makes you wonder what the audience members felt. Excellent sound quality + quiet audience = a top recording. This is one of the best recordings I've heard. The audience is mostly silent except for the beginnings of songs. Love those Japanese crowds. It's so quiet, and the sound quality so good, that you can hear the frogs croaking during Parabol. играли 2 ночи подряд, это вторая. В первую, 10 апреля, была мировая премьера клипа Parabola, джапы первыми увидели это видео. Здеcь же, во вторую ночь, клип тоже крутили, между Intermission и Triad

Ziggy Pop: 11 #intermission# (6:25) - одна из любимых вообще, просто басовый рифф на 6 минут, медитативный такой и зависающий, остаток от Reflection а про The Grudge японцы написали в рецензии после концерта: Shout of 30 seconds is a masterpiece, still raging Maynard. The soul is pulled out completely. - Душа вырвана (вынута) полностью это про тот самый 30-секундный душераздирающий крик в конце песни

Coma: Ziggy Pop большое спасибо!!

Ziggy Pop: Coma кусури:ури))

Coma: Ziggy Pop =))

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: 2-nd night а первая у тебя есть?

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: большое спасибо!! dou itashi mashite) Coma пишет: а первая у тебя есть? а вот нету, давно ищу, там сэт-лист другой немного: 01 Tuva (Intro) 02 The Grudge 03 Stinkfist (White Lines) 04 46 & 2 05 Schism 06 Parabola 07 Disposition 08 Reflection 09 Intermission 10 (Parabola video world premiere) 11 Triad 12 Ænema 13 Lateralus запись существует, но бутлеггеры не делятся ей, не встречал нигде вообще за все эти годы

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: dou itashi mashite) продолжаем изучать японский) Ziggy Pop пишет: вообще запись существует, но бутлеггеры не делятся ей понятно концерт потрясающий

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: продолжаем изучать японский) вакаранай) Coma пишет: понятно уже сделан запрос по моей просьбе, может поделятся американцы обладатели раритетом Coma пишет: концерт потрясающий и концерт потрясающий, и японская публика тоже. Ничего подобного не слышал на других бутлегах, никогда. Они уважают исполнителей, это тронуло больше всего. А американцы всегда просто орут во всю глотку, и вечное их это бла-бла-бла. Джапам респект.

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: We caught up with Maynard James Keenan from Puscifer at the Bonnaroo Music Festival 2012 to find out what went on behind the scenes of "Conditions of My Parole" and when we can expect a new Tool record.

Ziggy Pop:

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: mr. jones только первую видела классные)

Ziggy Pop: грим у него (#4) конечно пи***ц...) а #3 - забыл уже из какого фильма рожа эта...)

Ziggy Pop: Tool not recording on a boat Maynard was interviewed recently by the Star Tribune in the leadup to the River’s Edge Festival featuring both Tool and Puscifer. He didn’t really have much to add to progress on the new Tool album, but did talk about Tool a little more than in other recent interviews: On what’s taking so long for the follow-up to Tool’s last album, 2006′s “10,000 Days”: “We’ve been brothers for over 22 years, so the personalities are all in check. If you want more information than that, I’m not giving you a dime, because whatever little bit I say always gets blown up. Like, ‘Hey, I hear you guys are recording on a boat.’ No, I mentioned the word ‘boat,’ and I mentioned ‘recording,’ and they were like seven paragraphs apart. We’re not recording on a boat. So I don’t say anything. When it finally comes to it, you will absolutely know where things are with the band.” On the benefits and disadvantages of having Tool’s only concert of the summer: “I can’t speak for the rest of the band, but I think a show like this is a nice, exciting challenge for any band, something to keep us on our toes. If you don’t challenge yourselves, it’s easy to get lazy as a band. I can’t actually rehearse with them this time because I’m traveling around, but the other guys will absolutely rehearse. We can’t just go out there unprepared and risk looking like a bunch of clowns.” Star Tribune

Ziggy Pop: Tool 23 June Puscifer 24 June 2012 Rivers Edge Music Festival, Harriet Island, Saint Paul, MN

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: Maynard James Keenan explains Puscifer ... sort of June 21 Alive!

Ziggy Pop: Maynard is in no hurry to work on new Tool material http://blogs.citypages.com/gimmenoise/2012/06/maynard_james_keenan_interview.php + http://www.citypages.com/2012-06-20/music/maynard-james-keenan-on-recruiting-dave-matthews-fans-and-getting-the-scissor-sisters-drunk/

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: June 23, 2012 Some pics are coming through Instagram, looks like the boys are having some fun хехехе))

Coma: последняя особенно хороша))

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: последняя особенно хороша)) мне 3-я нравится, щас его мжк накормит перед выступлением сегодняшним) банда в сборе, чтобы дать последний концерт, да будет так

Ziggy Pop: 23 June 2012 Rivers Edge Music Festival, Harriet Island, Saint Paul, MN 01 Hooker With A Penis 02 Jambi 03 Stinkfist 04 Pushit 05 Schism 06 46 & 2 07 Lateralus 08 Parabola 09 Aenema maynardism: "either this acid is really strong or there was just a juggler on stage... or both"

Ziggy Pop: Rivers Edge Music Festival, Harriet Island, Saint Paul, MN

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: It's only concert of the summer -- and supposedly its only US date for the rest of the year – the L.A.-reared, prog-crunch metal maestros were far and away the reason River’s Edge drew an impressive 25,000 fans on its opening day. You couldn’t swing a corndog from the concession stands without hitting somebody in a Tool T-shirt. That’s not to say there weren’t some excellent bands who produced some memorable moments Saturday, but the day belonged to Tool. Period.

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: Lumen_2000_"Infomania" Label: Psychic Deli – PDCD 010 Format: CD, Album, Digipak Country: UK Released: 2000 Genre: Electronic Style: Psy-Trance, Goa Trance 06 What It Is (7:11) Written-By – J. Chancellor http://ifolder.ru/31337642 http://www.discogs.com/Lumen-Infomania/release/238710 http://www.discogs.com/artist/Justin+Chancellor?anv=J.+Chancellor и что за Ari Chancellor еще? хм, поискал, нашел вот это: http://www.peoplefinders.com/d/Justin+Chancellor/1-694600171 Justin Chancellor | Tool Barricade | Lobal Orning там же: Relatives: Joe Hausang Chan, Ari Chancellor, J Hausang Chan, Ariadne A Chancellor, Ariadne A Chancellor всем гоа)) гифка с мжк оч хорошо идет под этот трек как раз, аххаха))

Ziggy Pop: A fantastic shot of ADAM taken by his brother ALAN JONES

Ziggy Pop: TOOL NEWSLETTER JULY, 2012 E.V. TALES FROM THE LOFT (PART THREE) ... "Sober" – a song that Maynard was instrumental (no pun intended) in writing, picking up Paul’s bass at a jam session at the loft one day and playing the now famous riff for the other band members ... во как оказывается было

Ziggy Pop: Crimson ProjeKct with special guest Danny Carey (Tool) on drum at the Starlight Theater in Kansas City 6/28/2012

Ziggy Pop: Pigmy Love Circus gig August 4 @ the Dragonfly, LA As hinted at on a Reddit post I was reading, Pigmy Love Circus (with Danny Carey on drums in case you’ve forgotten!) are coming out of their drug induced coma and doing a gig in Los Angeles in August

Ziggy Pop: Danny was the guest on today’s Children of Saturn radio show, which I was lucky enough to hear most of today. The show has been on a break for a couple of months, but started up again this morning and should be back to normal, hopefully with some interesting guests in the coming weeks. Danny played a range of cool tunes, and spoke about a bunch of things which may interest you guys, even though none of them are huge revelations: - He played us a track off the new Volto! album – which was fantastic in my opinion - Mentioned that Volto! are playing another show at the Baked Potato this weekend - Just waiting on artwork for the new Volto! album. Vinyl lovers will be happy to hear that their format of choice should be available. - Pigmy Love Circus are having a reunion show in August. - On Tool – “Me, Adam, and Justin are banging away. Trying to get Maynard in there, but you know, no wine before its time.” - Bill Bruford from King Crimson recently sent him a miniature snare drum a snippet of the Volto! song played: http://www.johnzguitar.com/znoize/Tocinopreview1.mp3

Ziggy Pop: Puscifer peanuts VAGINA AIRLINES_06-24-2012_St. Paul concert аххахаха)

Ziggy Pop: The picture is of Adam “stabbing” Matt Santoro. Matt was rumoured to be working on something Tool related for a while now...

Ziggy Pop: another Mandala feature video with Danny going about at the moment, which features Danny speaking about how he works these devices into his music Drummer Danny Carey of Tool and Volto talks about anticipating chord changes and setting up a song's nuances and changes while leading people into a new space, all with the help of his Mandala Drums, in the third of our three-part interview series featuring Danny, Amy Knoles, and Ryeland Allison.

Ziggy Pop: Puscifer - "Balls to the Wall" (Accept cover, live)


Ziggy Pop: PUSCIFER’S CARINA ROUND ON BEING RECRUITED BY MAYNARD KEENAN, HER SOLO CAREER + MORE http://loudwire.com/puscifer-carina-round-talks-being-recruited-by-maynard-keenan-her-solo-career-more/

Ziggy Pop: The Joe Rogan Podcast with Maynard James Keenan http://traffic.libsyn.com/joeroganexp/p246.mp3

Ziggy Pop: ничего особо интересного правда не сказал mostly Wine, Jiu Jitsu and Arizona... Maynard also talked about writing music while out at the Vineyard by driving his truck to a quiet place and parking and playing these “tracks” on his stereo and writing down stuff (lyrics etc.) on a notepad. Wine Arizona/Jerome LA’s crummyness Martial Arts Yoga Small bit on lyric-writing process the infamous Pushit fan-choke Joe brought up the Fibonacci Sequence and Maynard sort of just played it off by saying he thought that him forcing that into a song was little sophomoric he was sort of resistant about talking about Tool, but he still talked about the Fibonacci Sequence, the fan incident, and why puts his back to the crowd at some shows Fun to hear some stories about Bill Hicks and stuff zero Tool talk http://vimeo.com/joeroganexperience

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: 23 June 2012 Rivers Edge Music Festival, Harriet Island, Saint Paul, MN

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: Maynard James Keenan Dies In Car Crash http://maynard.james.keenan.swellserver.com/news/top_stories/auto80.php

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: A Perfect Circle play Soundwave 2013 In news just at hand, A Perfect Circle has just been included in the 2013 Soundwave Festival lineup. They’ll be joining the likes of Metallica, Tomahawk, Anthrax and Red Fang on a two week tour down under: Metallica, Linkin Park, Blink-182, A Perfect Circle, The Offspring, Paramore, Garbage, Tomahawk, Stone Sour, Kyuss Lives, Anthrax, Sum 41, Dragonforce, All Time Low, Flogging Molly, Ghost, Duff McKagan’s Loaded, Motion City Soundtrack, Lawrence Arms, Kingdom Of Sorrow, Fozzy, Sleeping With Sirens, Cancer Bats, Madball, Vision of Disorder, Pierce the Veil, Periphery, Shai Halud, Of Mice & Men, Miss May I, Danko Jones, Woe Is Me, The Wonder Years, While She Sleeps, Such Gold, Lucero, Six Feet Under, Deaf Havana, Red Fang, Chunk! No Captain Chunk! and Memphis May Fire! Here are the dates for the festival: Saturday 23rd February – Brisbane Sunday 24th February – Sydney Friday 1st March – Melbourne Saturday 2nd March – Adelaide Monday 4th March – Perth

Ziggy Pop: Watch the painting collaboration video of Maynard James Keenan (wine maker, musician, artist), Gunner Williams (artist) and Eric Glomski (winer maker/artist) which pays tribute to Eric and Maynard’s wine industry in Arizona http://www.noiseartspace.com/186-tribute

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: Perhaps not the new album update all of us are expecting, but Volto! recently fed us some details on their new release, hopefully out there in next couple of months. Over the weekend they posted: the new album’s vinyl master discs were just cut today @ Bernie Grundman Mastering Studios, so it’s coming down the home stretch…. soon friendsupreme, very soon! ♥ Danny confirmed in a recent Children of Saturn show that it should be released on vinyl (and presumably other formats) скоро выйдет

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: adam jones archives красивые фото есть ещё?

Ziggy Pop: Carina Round on Facebook: See you soon Australia with Puscifer

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: есть ещё?

Ziggy Pop: Interview: Buzz Osborne of The Melvins on Former Bassist Kevin Rutmanis, working with Tool and the Status of Fantomas August 23rd, 2012 As for The Melvins’ one-time collaboration with Tool on The Crybaby, he’s optimistic that the two bands might rejoin to write more original material but confirms nothing has been planned. “Well you know, I would do whatever they wanted to. They’re busy doing their own record right now, somehow. I obviously don’t have any idea how that’s working for them. I do know they’ve been working on it for a while. But I would say yes. There’s nothing in the works.” Before concluding, Osborne offers one more appropriately funny remark. “I mean, neither band is going to last forever. It’s like I tell people, ‘If you don’t like what we’re doing now, all you have to do is wait.’ We won’t do it forever, then you won’t have to worry about it.” MXDWN

Ziggy Pop: The 30 Richest Drummers In The World 01 Ringo Starr (The Beatles, $300 million) 02 Phil Collins (Solo/Genesis, $250 million) 03 Dave Grohl (Nirvana/Foo Fighters, $225 million) 04 Don Henley (The Eagles, $200 million) 05 Lars Ulrich (Metallica, $175 million) 06 Charlie Watts (The Rolling Stones, $160 million) 07 Larry Mullen, Jr. (U2, $150 million) 08 Roger Taylor (Queen, $105 million) 09 Joey Kramer (Aerosmith, $100 million) 10 Chad Smith (Red Hot Chili Peppers, $90 million) 11 Travis Barker (Blink-182, $85 million) 12 Stewart Copeland (The Police, $80 million) 13 Alex Van Halen (Van Halen, $75 million) 14 Nick Mason (Pink Floyd, $75 million) 15 Tommy Lee (Motley Crue, $70 million) 16 Bill Ward (Black Sabbath, $65 million) 17 Jon Fishman (Phish, $60 million) 18 Carter Beauford (Dave Matthews Band, $55 million) 19 Rick Allen (Def Leppard, $50 million) 20 Tre Cool (Green Day, $45 million) 21 Danny Carey (Tool, $40 million) 22 Tico Torres (Bon Jovi, $40 million) 23 Max Weinberg (Bruce Springsteen And The E Street Band/Conan O’Brien, $35 million) 24 Mickey Hart (The Grateful Dead, $30 million) 25 Bill Kreutzmann (The Grateful Dead, $25 million) 26 Neil Peart (Rush, $22 million) 27 Taylor Hawkins (Foo Fighters, $20 million) 28 ?uestlove (The Roots, $16 million) 29 Steven Adler (Guns N’ Roses, $15 million) 30 Mick Fleetwood (Fleetwood Mac, $8.5 million) вранье

Ziggy Pop: No. 1: Tool, ‘Lateralus’ – Top 21st Century Metal Songs As one of the most groundbreaking and analytical pieces of progressive metal, Tool‘s magnum opus, ‘Lateralus,’ comes in at No. 1 on our list of the Top 50 Metal Songs of the 21st Century. Based on the Fibonacci sequence, an intriguing mathematical pattern found in nature, Tool gained the inspiration from the sequence in various ways. Vocalist Maynard James Keenan chose to house the sequence within his verses, creating a syllabic pattern that aligns with the numerical code of Fibonacci’s work. The song also switches between 9/8, 8/8 and 7/8 time signatures, with the number 987 being the 17th number of the Fibonacci sequence. In mapping the numerical representation of the Fibonacci sequence, an eternal spiral shape can be formed, which Keenan uses as a metaphor for finding strength within yourself in the lyric, ‘Spiral out, keep going.’ The concept of using color as a metaphor for attaining wisdom can also be found within ‘Lateralus,’ as Keenan describes gaining the ability to see red and yellow after living a life in black and white. Apart from the concept of ‘Lateralus,’ the nine-minute track (from Tool’s 2001 album of the same name) is a masterpiece even to the casual listener. The innovative cocktail that exists between Maynard Keenan, Adam Jones, Justin Chancellor and Danny Carey cannot simply be manufactured, and as one of music’s purest bands, Tool have risen to legendary prominence by simply sticking to their convictions and offering unparalleled depth to their fans. http://loudwire.com/tool-lateralus-top-21st-century-metal-songs

Ziggy Pop: Maynard will be penning a bi-weekly column for the Phoenix New Times Phoenix New Times The column debuts on Monday, September 10, here at Up on the Sun, so mark your calendars

Ziggy Pop: Danny plays drums with reggae band Steel Pulse

Ziggy Pop: Just posted on Facebook is the news that one of Justin’s side projects One White Onion may be playing a show sometime soon.

Ziggy Pop: A Perfect Circle will be playing one show in the US this year (provided the world doesn’t end), and that’s at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas on the 29th of December

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: 10,000 Days was released 2,335 days ago, подождем еще немного

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: Maynard James Keenan: Rochambeau Myself http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/uponsun/2012/09/maynard_james_keenan_rochambeau_myself.php

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: Aaron Turner hints at Tool studio date News on progress on the new Tool record is quite elusive at the moment, and while this is nothing concrete, some new information has come to light courtesy of one of our forum members: Interview with Aaron Turner a few nights ago on RRR radio. They asked him what albums he was looking forward to in 2013. He mentioned Tool and the interviewer commented on the massive gap of nothingness since 10,000 Days. Turner replied that he had heard it from the band themselves that they are looking to start recording the new album in January / February 2013

Ziggy Pop: What is Puscifer? http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/uponsun/2012/10/what_is_puscifer_maynard.php

Ziggy Pop: "Lateralus" (feat. Brann Dailor from Mastodon)_06/04/2007 - Duluth, GA, USA @ Gwinnette Center MJK: Brann from Mastodon, our lucky winner, free bottle of water and some drum sticks. Thanks for comin' down, kiddo http://rusfolder.com/33066898

Ziggy Pop: #08 Opiate (with Human Beatbox Band) (8:00)_02/10/2007 - Tokyo, Japan @ Zepp Tokyo flac http://rusfolder.com/33105137 The beat-box breakdown during Opiate is as interesting as the 2001-era additions of Hawkman from Tricky. Definitely, for that very reason alone, this is a performance that is one for repetition in your Tool-library. The vibe of this show, hell of all the Japanese shows from this era, is about as experimental as Tool tends to get on stage. Highly recommended. This is also the only recording, that I can think of, where you hear Justin Chancellor's voice... Justinism: "the human beat box band." At Opiate, the middle section was stretched and two Human-Beat-Box performers appeared and play scratch noise or synth-drum like voices. There're no Synth. Good performance.

Ziggy Pop: ADAM JONES IN SEARCH OF A BLUE FACE DIEZEL VH4 AMP (1996) ADAM is looking for a 1996 Blue Face Diezel VH4 amplifier. Perhaps you can help him? Anyone who knows of an available one (exact year, color & model please!) should email: contact@satellitemgmt.com with info. Thanks.

Ziggy Pop: Tool_2002/04/11_Akasaka Blitz (2-nd night) , Tokyo, Japan Ziggy Pop пишет: играли 2 ночи подряд, это вторая. В первую, 10 апреля, была мировая премьера клипа Parabola Coma пишет: а первая у тебя есть? Ziggy Pop пишет: запись существует, но бутлеггеры не делятся ей, не встречал нигде вообще за все эти годы Coma пишет: концерт потрясающий Ziggy Pop пишет: уже сделан запрос по моей просьбе, может поделятся американцы обладатели раритетом есть!!! чувак проснулся наконец-то и поделился, не прошло и полгода, hell fuckin' yes, aaaarrrrggghhhhh!!! happy-happy, joy-joy (c) =)

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: есть!!! чувак проснулся наконец-то и поделился о, неожиданно так!!! давай сюда))

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: неожиданно так!!! просто сегодня 23-е число)

Ziggy Pop: Tool_2002/04/10_Akasaka Blitz (1-st night) , Tokyo, Japan 01 Tuva (Intro) > 02 The Grudge (15:23) 03 Stinkfist (White Lines) (6:34) 04 46 & 2 (6:02) 05 Parabola (8:28) 06 Schism (7:50) 07 Disposition (7:36) 08 Reflection > 09 #intermission# (17:12) 10 (Parabola video world premiere) (10:40) 11 Triad (8:41) 12 Ænema (7:33) 13 Lateralus (12:15) First show of 2002 & has the world premiere of the Parabola video. Extremely clear audience recording. This performance was almost a carbon copy of the 2001 tour as well which for the Japanese audience was only quasi-new. The crowd is very mellow during & between songs. Clapping/cheering when they are, ideologically, supposed to. This is very different from listening to an American audience. In America, when we talk, we seem to want everyone to hear our opinion for some reason. At this show, there are time when it is completely silent in the theatre. Very cool. This source is, if absolutely nothing else, an accurate capture of the performance, what more can one really ask for? mjk: "Thank you very much. We have a mission for you. We would like you to remember this feeling you have right now, whether you are having a good experience, a bad experience, it doesn't matter. Hang on to this emotion, hang onto this feeling & in the coming weeks, use this feeling to create something positive" FLAC pass: T-2002-04-10-V1 http://narod.ru/disk/62817876001.4e9ad32798feeafc8612164930629abb/t20020410flac.rar.html

Coma: ну что за проклятье скачалось, а пароль этот не подходит ;(

Ziggy Pop: все подходит, try again

Ziggy Pop: Tool_07/10/1993_Barrie, Ontario, Canada @ Molson Park (Lollapalooza) Source: SBD>Cassette>CD>FLAC>320 01 intro (1:11) 02 Intolerance (5:32) 03 Undertow (5:41) 04 Sober (5:47) 05 Prison Sex (5:45) 06 Part of Me (3:43) 07 Swamp Song (6:37) 08 Opiate (5:41) 09 Jerk-Off (4:26) 320 http://narod.ru/disk/62889302001.fc80c9618ba09cef0878a1b200886471/07.10.1993%20-%20%20Molson%20Park_Ontario_Canada.rar.html crowd - 'Tool! Tool! Tool! Tool!' Maynard - 'You'll have to be patient, Tool will be up next. We're Crystal Pistol, we'll be gone in a minute, so please be patient. Thank you, good night. Baa! Baa! Baa! Moo!'

Ziggy Pop: Tool_07/15/1998_Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA @ Wings Stadium 01 Flood (3:45) 02 Hush (3:28) 03 Forty Six & 2 (7:07) 04 Stinkfist (with Buzz from Melvins) (8:32) 05 Stranglehold (Ted Nugent cover) (with Buzz from Melvins) (7:54) 06 Merkaba / Sober (13:06) 07 Pushit (alt.version) (13:29) 08 Eulogy (9:52) 09 Ænema (7:50) 10 Jerk-Off (6:00) MJK: "praise God…zilla" Source: DAT --- Sound Board > XLR > Sony TCD-D8 (line-in) @ 48 KHZ Position: Front of Rail Transfer: DAT-M > Tascam DA-20 > coax > Audiophile 24/96 > Sound Forge > WAV (transfer by cu.org/GSP) Notes A: This recording was given to a friend by the taper who subsequently traded it to his friends who subsequently made poor decisions and gave it to people who torrented it with improper + incorrect source information while taking a self-servicing, hypocritical & self-serving stance of "anti-elitism" w/o understanding that it was not about a concept of "sharing" but a concept of "real relationships, friendships get tarnished from people not keeping their word". As it is, this recording is sublime in & of it's natural, non-tampered with form. That said, there are all sorts of fools who have downloaded random CDR rips (there were never any DAT clones of this in circulation, ever) & attempted to "remaster" this recording. Why? Hell if I know - everyone seems to think they can add something interesting when there is, simply, not one thing that anyone could add to this recording. That said, the source information above is correct & 100% verified thus all other source information are inaccurate & not real. Notes B: I think people would be surprised about how low the recording's levels are at. Better to be safe than sorry, right? Yeah. In 48khz one can definitely hear nuances that are lost in the CDR versions at 44.1khz. Hard to describe; hearing this on DAT leaves one with a sense of intimacy with the band that is just lost on an AUD recording. This is the only known, verified sound board recording of Tool post-1993 known to exist. The existence or creation of this was a fluke & a happenstance of fate - let's just say that it was an oversight on the part of a few parties. The Tool SBD capture was definitely a covert, stealth operation & although not sanctioned by anyone, really, somehow this taper, Jeff, managed to pull off perhaps the greatest capture of Tool - ever. The DAT tape has about 12 minutes of intro music. Then, the recording begins with a cut-in of Flood. What I think happened is the taper hit pause or stop in the unit, when the band came on stage he thought it was recording (which it was not) & he pressed record (again) when he checked. Still, this is... well... this is a real SBD recording. Really, this recording continues to, simply, blow my mind. I doubt there will ever be another person to accomplish such a monumental achievement; a SBD Tool recording. Among other recordings, this is definitive evidence of the skill that this taper had and why he is one of the most accomplished Tool tapers - ever, period. So your friend figured out how to work a piece of (sorta high tech) technology? So you pulled 5 sources at a Tool show? So you video taped a show with 14 video camera all in HD while smoking crack while getting head from a midget at a Tool show? This guy pulled a SBD of Tool in 1998. I encourage any & everyone to attempt to pull something as cool as this recording. Go ahead, do it! Oh wait - no, you aren't. And... what a set list. Man, tops! FLAC http://narod.ru/disk/62860143001.0f028837c389c359388ec707d2a9f048/1998-07-15%20-%20Kalamazoo%2C%20MI%2C%20US%20%5Bthir13en%20Remaster%5D.rar.html

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: все подходит да с 10й попытки удалось, ура

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: с 10й попытки удалось, ура вручную набирала что-ли?=)

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: вручную набирала что ли?=) не)

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: 07/15/1998 утащила, спасибо

Ziggy Pop: Tool_03/01/1997_Poughkeepsie, NY, USA @ Mid Hudson Civic Center 01 Third Eye (13:51) 02 Stinkfist (6:41) 03 46 & 2 (7:18) 04 Crawl Away (5:49) 05 Eulogy (10:39) 06 Jimmy (6:17) 07 4 Degrees (6:20) 08 #break# (1:15) 09 H. (9:34) 10 Merkaba (6:41) 11 Sober (6:56) 12 Opiate (8:36) 13 Ænema (7:08) MJK: "This is a very special song. It goes out to a very special person. It goes out to Magilla Gorilla's sister, Camilla." Source B: DAT --- Core Sound Binaurals > Sony TCD-D8 (Oade Bros Mod II) @ 48 KHZ Position: Front of Stack, Right Transfer: DAT-M > Tascam DA-20 > coax > Audiophile 24/96 > Sound Forge > WAV (transfer by cu.org/GSP) Taper: Jeff Sebastianelli Gen: Master Recording or "0" Generation (in WAV) Notes / 2009: Absolutely superb recording - flawless? Close to it, that's for damn sure. Recorded on a 90m DDS tape, the master itself is still in good shape as it is free of deterioration. As I cloned a DAT-1 of this recording I wondered when the last time the master had been played; must have been at least a few years? I would imagine so. One of things I like about this particular set is that they tossed in a little Crawl Away, Jimmy & 4º in one show; something they did not do a lot during this era. Recording is crisp, clean & clear which is a nice match to this stunning performance. I don't know, it seems that Tool was really able to deliver the goods during this era. There is not one slip-up on part of the band, throughout this recording. Highly recommended as a mandatory listen! Notes / 2001: Wow. Great, I mean great recording. I am not positive nor do I have really any real proof other than what I hear but I suspect that the same taper of the 11.23.96 show (few others as well) is the same taper as this one. This was most likely taped front of stack as well - CSBs seem to perform supremely under such stress. The sound is very, very clear & I'm sure someone somewhere has said that this recording is sound-board; as it sounds that good. Crowd noise is almost completely lacking - which is a good thing. The performance, well, what can you say? Tool seems to be riding high on a very nice selling album & are playing to packed venues all over the world. They should be playing in top form & they are. In America, rabid fans mosh to the music as college-fans record them. I only hope the taper of this show was utilizing ear-plugs; being FOS. Seriously, this is one show that every Tool fan should enjoy. FLAC: http://narod.ru/disk/63019329001.d104c1cb17f0940cc365475c942ec23e/Tool%201997-03-01%20Mid%20Hudson%20Civic%20Center%2C%20Poughkeepsie%2C%20NY%2C%20US.rar.html

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: Tool_11/23/1996_Philadelphia, PA, USA @ The Electric Factory 01 Third Eye (12:51) 02 Stinkfist (5:49) 03 Forty Six & 2 (06:20) 04 Eulogy (09:49) 05 Prison Sex (OTRM version) (07:09) 06 Pushit (10:26) 07 H. (07:59) 08 Merkaba / Sober (11:28) 09 Opiate (08:17) 10 Ænema (08:09) this bootleg is also known as: Dirge / Third Leg / Third Eye / Vagina Whistles MJK: (before "Pushit") "Ever have someone love you so much that they tried to kill you? Or perhaps suck you down into a hole? And you had to kill them to get away? Me either." MJK: "So, any of you ever watch those Warner Bros cartoons? Sometimes there's that one where the guy is having trouble making a decision; he's got an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. Seems pretty obvious right? Usually the angel is the one that's trying to give the good advice, devil's supposed to be giving bad advice and trying to get him to do what is going to be bad for him. It's not always that simple though, most times their not really angels or devils, they are just friends giving you advice, looking out for your best interest but not really understanding what is going to be best for you, so, it comes down to you. You need to make a decision yourself. This song is called H." Source B: DAT --- Core Sound Binaurals > Sony TCD-D7 (Oade Bros Mod II) @ 48 KHZ Position: Front of Stack, Right Transfer: DAT-M > Tascam DA-20 > coax > Audiophile 24/96 > Sound Forge > WAV (transfer by cu.org/GSP) Taper: Jeff Sebastianelli Gen: Master Recording or "0" Generation (in WAV) Notes: Complete Show. This is not VHS sourced, this is the real thing. Notes: At one point there were some other notes regarding this particular source. There was mention about how towards the late 1990's how someone the owner of the DAT Master traded with ended up selling this recording, in an incomplete form (minus the end of 3rd Eye & Stinkfist) to some less than desirable company where it was pressed onto both CDR & silver discs being sold all over the world. Also, the aforementioned recording was called things like "Dirge" or "Third Leg" being recorded at "Houston, TX on 12/12/1996 @ Cullen Auditorium" (obviously wrong information, Tool played in FL on the 12/11 & in TN on 12/13; no way a trip to TX would make sense between). For more information on this, click on that link. There was also mention how up until 2004 only incomplete recordings of this were in circulation. However, at one point, cu.org had in it's possession this master recording; the DAT itself. 12, 13 years old. I made myself a DAT-1 of this in my own mind legendary performance &, hands-down, legendary recording. Sure, this is a standard set list from this era, however, this recording is still the gold standard for which other Tool audience recordings are judged. The clarity, crispness & overall intensity -- it is easy to understand how many, many people truly thought that this was a SBD recording. I think that says quite a bit. Decided to re-transfer this recording so, finally, a master>transfer of this will be able to replace all of the inferior transfers. The 'complete' version floating around right now in la-la cyber-land is from an unknown CDR so, this, definitely is an upgrade. This recording should be the cornerstone of your Tool collection, it is that good. 320 http://rusfolder.com/33300841 FLAC: http://narod.ru/disk/62954644001.c8c77aa90242f27b10e5332a8f8dadb8/Tool%20-%201996.%20Third%20Leg%20-%20Philadelphia%2C%20PA%2C%20USA%20%40%20The%20Electric%20Factory%20(11.23.96)%20(lossless).rar.html

Ziggy Pop: Tool_09/05/1991 - Los Angeles, CA, USA @ The Jello Loft 01 Cold & Ugly (6:40) 02 Undertow (5:43) 03 Sober (5:54) 04 Crawl Away (with Ozzy's "Crazy Train" intro) (6:14) 05 Sweat (5:02) 06 Swamp Song (6:15) 07 4° (6:30) (tape switch) 08 Hush (2:43) 09 Opiate (cut) (1:48) MJK: "Do you know that punk rock is coming back? Last beer for you buddy." Source: Soundboard > Analog Cassette-1 Gen: 3rd Gen Cassette > CD (please excuse the very basic source info but deal) Notes (2006): This was torrented on dimeadozen.org by CU.org in October, 2006. To most people, this was a recording that would be considered "new" however there were a LOT of collectors who had this recording & the other SBD torrented, 01/27/1993. Among other issues associated with this, collectors were using this to attempt to extract X amount of recordings for this source, thereby creating more of a "value" for it. Sort of like an underground, black market Tool-live-recording trade. Other variables aside, by torrenting this recording, that removed the value placed on this. This was also released in remembrance to one of our one, Bjorn AKA onebear. The earliest known live performance around in any trade capacity this is, essentially, one of the most important live recordings of Tool known to exist. Notes (old 1999): Surprise! Maybe you came across this link by accident, maybe on purpose - either way, it is a hidden review... sort of like a Tool live recording 'Easter Egg'. There are others on this site, good luck finding them. If someone can name all of them, I'll give a prize of some kind. Although I believe that a fair amount of people have never heard of this recording, it is worth mentioning here, since I bet no one will ever find this. Haha. Anyway, certain people do have this recording and I have a good suspicion that this may make it out in some capacity as some people have given this to their friends, which is a cool thing to do. Although, some of these same people claim to be altruistic and saints - think we all know that people that proclaim to be something are most likely the opposite. Agreed? The vocals are very high in this mix, the bass is low, the guitar is low and the drums are present but not overpowering. Not like MJK's voice is. Whew. Even while living in an apartment in California working at a "Hell's Pizza" place (am I kidding? No.) you can hear, with this indisputable proof, the power of his voice. Will blow you away. This is the earliest known recording of Tool - ever. Although I am sure that somewhere there are even older shows ;o) As it is, this SBD recording has a little bit of high-frequency tape hiss that coats the show and due to the couple generations (and years) it took to get this on CD in some capacity, there is some tape hiss. This is hardly an issue though is it? As a note, I have encountered at least two other tape>CD transfers other than my transfer. That said, if you run across a CD copy of this show your CD time may vary from someone else's slightly. However, all transfers are incomplete and have the exact same setlist and flaws. Enjoy them. FLAC: http://rusfolder.com/33330589

Ziggy Pop: Tool_07/13/2002_Sacramento, CA, USA @ Arco Arena (The 4-th Leg of Lateralus tour) 01 Tuva (Intro) (4:01) 02 Sober (5:43) 03 Ticks & Leeches (7:38) 04 The Grudge (8:14) 05 (-) Ions (1:08) 06 Stinkfist (6:29) 07 H. (7:24) 08 Schism (8:56) 09 Parabola (6:26) 10 Eon Blue Apocalypse (1:28) 11 The Patient (7:46) 12 Opiate (6:19) 13 #intermission# (8:09) 14 Disposition (5:31) 15 Reflection (11:34) 16 Triad (10:52) 17 Lateralus (9:42) MJK: "Sacramento, huh? I don't know. Oakland was pretty enthusiastic. Why don't you show them who's boss. So, this is Sacramento?" Source C: DAT- Schoeps MK4>active cables>Rmod2k1 box>Sony SBM-1 (Oade Bros. Mod)>Sony PCM-M1 Notes: Very accurate / precise / professional recording of an intense performance. This is, hands down, the best source for this performance + quite possibly one of the best audio captures of 2002. Enough said? FLAC: http://narod.ru/disk/63057455001.9f50111acbe3b44dcff4efe590eb1d0b/Tool%202002-07-13%20Sacramento%2C%20CA.rar.html

Ziggy Pop: Tool were offered a range of tours this year (including Australia) but have knocked them all back in order to concentrate on the next album

Ziggy Pop: TOOL Bassist Paul D'Amour - Ibanez ATK Custom Bass US $3,750.00 Ebay

Ziggy Pop: Tool_07/21/2002_Denver, CO, USA @ Pepsi Arena 01 Fripp > Tuva (Intro) (3:46) 02 Sober (6:56) 03 4° (6:46) 04 The Grudge (8:27) 05 (-) Ions (1:17) 06 Stinkfist (6:17) 07 46 & 2 (6:34) 08 #interlude# > Schism (9:14) 09 Parabol (4:14) 10 Parabola (6:26) 11 Eon Blue Apocalypse > The Patient (9:17) 12 Ænema (7:08) 13 #intermission# (1:14) 14 Disposition (5:29) 15 Reflection (12:30) 16 Triad (with Mike Patton & John Stanier of Tomahawk) > positive speech / Wings For Marie (Intro) (13:42) 17 Lateralus (11:42) MJK: "This song like all songs is about ass-sex" <huh?> version 3 media type: FLAC source: Assisted Listening Device > unknown DAT + MBHO ka200n > MBHO Actives > JK Labs DVC V-12 > Sony PCM-M1 > FLAC taper: unknown trade status: Can Trade notes: This is a matrix of version 1 and version 2. BLG did a great job of mixing these together Source A: DAT --- MBHO KA200 > JK Laboratories DVCV-12 > Sony PCM M1 Source B: Unverified but Reported Info: DAT --- Sound Board (SBD) > FM > Assisted Listening Device (ALD) (unknown model) > Sony PCM-M1 Source C: Source A @ 65% + Source B @ 35% (mix by Per CLS) Notes: This is a rather interesting creation. I think that enough has been said about both Source A + B so there is little reason to go over that in detail yet again except to say that both are rather different but also very nice & unique captures of what Tool can create - live. Now, mixed together with the proper EQ & patience, a rather interesting bastard-child is created. Not only are the delicacies of the ALD preserved but the live & intense feelings of the MBHO AUD source is simultaneously preserved. The merging of these two almost contrasting audio sources gives one a rather different listening experience. This may be rather interesting for collectors and also anyone to check out, at least to see what is possible with a home computer & a decent software program. Since the ALD source has fade-outs/ins on it, that is also on this matrix. However, it is rather difficult to hear where where the ALD goes out & in as the mixing was done rather nicely. This creation has a rather surreal, unique vibe to it. In closing, it should be noted that different people already have or will create other matrix's - so, make sure you keep in mind which version you attain. Notes - Technical: This is the closest thing to a 2001/2002-era sound board that collector's, fans & the proletariat may ever hear. In actuality, this is from the mixing-desk & is then broadcasted on an FM signal. The show was mixed on-the-fly to an FM band (that does not have the same amount of range due to being broadcasted as an FM signal). There are quite a bit more technical items that some people may be interested in but I would not be the best person to comment on anything other than what I have already. If someone has more technical info & can better explain what it is I am saying, I welcome you to email me & let me know. Notes - Bootlegging: There is one thing I would like to mention that is very important. Like all live recordings of Tool, let's keep these off of ebay & other public places (ie: record shows) where it is for sale. Selling live recordings is possibly the worst thing a Tool fan can do. For numerous reasons. The most important one that springs to my mind is: selling Tool live recordings makes it even more difficult for tapers who simply want to record the band in all of it's glory. When a band like Tool observes live recordings of themselves on sale, it pisses them off for a myriad of reasons including "assholes who sell bootlegs for 30-60 bucks dont care about the quality and they make all the money" [08/04/02 @ 05:04:32]). If anything and at best, they barely tolerate people who tape/trade. Since this particular recording is pretty much open-game let's all do our part to make sure people don't try to make a profit off of this. After all, a taper somewhere managed to -do- this & send it off for fans to enjoy. I doubt he did it for some dumb-ass to make $20 off of it. if we all work together for a common goal, maybe Tool would relax about taping & whatnot if they realized that fans do not sell their stuff & will take matters into their own hands to prevent that from occuring in the first place. 320 http://rusfolder.com/33417040

Ziggy Pop: Tool_08/13/1998_Morrison, CO, USA @ Red Rocks Amphitheatre 01 Part Of Me (4:08) 02 Eulogy (10:04) 03 Stinkfist (with Buzz from The Melvins) (7:38) 04 You Lied (Peach cover) (with Buzz from The Melvins) (8:27) 05 Dr. Timothy Leary 'Think for Yourself Speech') > 46 & 2 (8:02) 06 Merkaba > Sober (9:50) 07 Pushit (alt. version) (14:08) 08 No Quarter (Led Zeppelin cover) (12:05) 09 Ænema (10:56) #encore break# 10 Opiate > Flood (13:38) MJK: "Thank you very much for being so patient. This last song, most people mistake it for being a song about bad choices in real estate. Some people think it's about rectal water sports. And uh, that's true, it's about both those things, but more importantly, it's about getting back to what matters. It's about remembering you connection with each other. It's about choosing compassion over fear. It's about diving back into that pool of the collective unconscious and learning how to swim again." Source: DAT --- Marcsounds > Denon DTR-80P Notes: I am relatively confident that "Part Of Me" was taken from this performance & put on the official "Salival" release back in 2000. Some people have gone so far as to say that this performance is legendary. I shall not go that far but there were some rather unique elements to this performance including a very tasty setlist. This recording was rather "hidden" for a number of years until a resourceful Colorado taper discovered it. Surprising that there are not other versions floating around. The source in circulation (there are no verified DAT copies around, only CD) has track splits at transitions as, taking a guess, the tracks were not split at sector boundaries. As it is, this is common - if you have smooth track transitions then I would like to know. It is doubtful though. It is odd that there is no specific information as to what model # the microphones are... Notes: I have a Casio DA-R100 which is the exact same DAT recorder (made by the same company but with different brand names) as the Denon DTR-80P. The DAT used for this show is not the compact & flashy DATs or the easy-to-use Mini Discs... this is a larger than average recorder. 320 http://rusfolder.com/33417041 согласен по поводу Part Of Me

Coma: Ziggy Pop откуда эти фотографии Джонса? поделись источником)

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: откуда эти фотографии Джонса? со страницы Dжонса)

Ziggy Pop: =)) 2002 (c) (p)

Coma: ха ))

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: со страницы Dжонса) с какой? я туплю наверное =)

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: я туплю наверное =) ты спишь))

Coma: хм... ну ладно, пойду тогда спать дальше=)

Ziggy Pop: M.T.void today posting on Facebook an update on their album: Justin is navigating the release himself We’re aiming at january. 2013 looks like Void year?

Ziggy Pop: CONSULTANT FOR TOOL'S "10,000 DAYS" CD PACKAGING DEAD AT 65. - R.I.P. RAY ZONE RAY ZONE, a 3-D expert who assisted in the process of the Grammy award winning CD Packaging for TOOL's "10,000 DAYS", has died at 65. "I'm crushed. I'll miss my friend." Adam Jones

Ziggy Pop: Nothin t do w this bug, but Some Puscifer news dropping mañana @carinaround timcad @mat_mitchell @mattmcjun http://t.co/M4ySJ5Nh

Ziggy Pop: Puscifer's "Donkey Punch The Night" coming Feb. 19, 2013 the 8-song release track listing: 01 Bohemian Rhapsody "O.G. Mix" 02 Breathe 03 Dear Brother 04 Balls To The Wall "PIllow Fight Mix" 05 Breathe "Drumcell rework" 06 Dear Brother "Denton rework" (Big Black Delta) 07 Balls To The Wall "Silent Servant El Guapo Mix" 08 Bohemian Rhapsody "Sonoio rework" “While continuing our tradition of releasing a few new songs at a time,” explained Keenan. “I also had an itch that needed scratching, and that it was ‘Balls To The Wall.’ Which was followed by an even harder to reach itch known as ‘Bohemian Rhapsody.’ And scratch them we did.” The album also boasts two new songs and was recorded in Jerome <...> Remixes of four songs round-out the release with contributions from Los Angeles techno wizard Drumcell, Big Black Delta (aka Jonathan Bates, formerly of Mellowdrone and touring guitarist for M83), Sonoio (Italian multi-instrumentalist Alessandro Cortini of Modwheelmood and touring keyboard player for Muse and Nine Inch Nails) and Central American DJ, Silent Servant, who is well known for his mash-up of post-punk and techno. The two new songs are called “Breathe” and “Dear Brother.”

Ziggy Pop: some further details on the EP courtesy of Antiquiet: The collection features two new songs written by Keenan and Puscifer cohorts Mat Mitchell, Carina Round and Josh Eustis: Breathe and Dear Brother as well as two covers: Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody and Accept’s Balls To The Wall. Donkey Punch The Night was recorded in Jerome, Ariz. in Keenan’s Caduceus Cellars (www.caduceus.org) with the same roster from 2011′s Conditions of My Parole (Keenan, Mitchell, Round, Eustis, Matt McJunkins and Jeff Friedl) and guests Zac Rae (piano), Juliette Commagere (vocals), Josh Morreau (bass) and Claire Acey (vocals). Remixes of the four songs round-out the release with contributions from Los Angeles techno wizard Drumcell, Big Black Delta (AKA Jonathan Bates, formerly of Mellowdrone and touring guitarist for M83), Sonoio (Italian multi-instrumentalist Alessandro Cortini of Modwheelmood and touring keyboard player for Muse and NIN) and Central American DJ, Silent Servant, who is well known for his mash-up of post-punk and techno.

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: Tool and the Deftones are playing Ozzfest Japan, may 2013 надо ехать, час-полтра на самолете и вот она, Япония

Ziggy Pop: 03.29.1998 - San Diego, CA, USA @ The Rimac Theatre MJK: ‘Buzz, the Melvins. Not a wig. We have another guest, oh come on. It’s band called Kyuss, this is there bass player Scott Reeder. It’s a Kyuss song called Demon Cleaner.’ "Demon Cleaner" (5:44) Source A: Analog --- Sony Cassette Recorder TCS-580V (built-in mic) "Demon Cleaner" (5:37) Source B: DAT -- Core Sound Binaurals > Sony TCD-D8 FLAC: http://rusfolder.com/33789146

Ziggy Pop: Makuhari Messe, Tokyo http://www.m-messe.co.jp/en/index.html Makuhari Messe (幕張メッセ?) is a Japanese convention center outside Tokyo, located in the Mihama-ku ward of Chiba city, in the northwest corner of Chiba prefecture. The heavy metal annual festival tour Ozzfest will take place here on May 11-12, 2013. This will be the festival's first appearance in Japan http://ozzfestjapan.com http://ozzfestjapan.com/en/index.html народу будет много, т.к. это первый Оззфест в Японии вообще

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: Tool and the Deftones are playing Ozzfest Japan, may 2013 !!!! нет слов нет слов нет слов

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: !!!! нет слов нет слов нет слов пока еще рано радоваться: November Tool newsletter is now available on Toolband, and for those that often type tl:dr here are the highlights: - Adam is in England, Maynard is doing stuff with other bands, and Danny & Justin are/were in Hawaii - Not much writing in the last month, though the guys are due to get together in December - Japan is not confirmed

Ziggy Pop: Toolband confirms Ozzfest Japan теперь уже гораздо интересней

Ziggy Pop:

Coma: Ziggy Pop пишет: Radiohead for satanists! а, это всё-таки NME..) думала, что Kerrang какой-нибудь

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: а, это всё-таки NME..) думала, что Kerrang какой-нибудь англичане, радиохэд, все так банально...)

Ziggy Pop: A Perfect Circle will be playing a show in Argentina with Tomahawk while they visit South America for Lollapalooza. The show will be at the Malvinas Argentinas Indoor Stadium on April 2nd, and tickets go on sale December 15th

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