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Tool (ïðîäîëæåíèå)

Andy: Ïðî èíñòðóìåíò.

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Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: Tool opens with Intolerance at the Scientology Centre, Hollywood, CA 1992

Ziggy Pop: Danny records with Feersum Ennjin October 26th, 2011 Looks like in between playing with King Crimson, Volto! and writing Tool songs, Danny has found time to record a track with Feersum Ennjin called The Fourth. Here’s the story from Facebook: We’re moving the release date of "Feersum Ennjin" back to Nov. 22 so we can include a new song, "The Fourth." "The Fourth" was recorded very recently and reunited Paul with his former band mate, Danny Carey, for the first time since 1995′s Aenima.

Ziggy Pop: Tool opens with Intolerance at the Scientology Centre, Hollywood, CA 1992 íàäåþñü, ÷òî Õàááàðä ïåðåâåðíóëñÿ â ñâî¸ì ãðîáó íåîäíîêðàòíî

Ziggy Pop: 2-îé êëèï ñ àëüáîìà

Zero: Ziggy Pop ïèøåò: 2-îé êëèï ñ àëüáîìà õðåíü êàê è ïåðâûé êëèï! ÷åò ìíå ñåäíÿ íè÷å íå íðàâèöà ))))))))))

Ziggy Pop: Zero ïèøåò: ÷åò ìíå ñåäíÿ íè÷å íå íðàâèöà )))))))))) èäè óïîðèñü

Zero: Ziggy Pop ïèøåò: èäè óïîðèñü íå óìåþ!!! íèêîãäà ýòîãî íå äåëàë!

Ziggy Pop: çà ÷óæîé ñ÷¸ò ïüþò âñå - è òðåçâåííèêè, è ÿçâåííèêè (ñ)

Zero: Ziggy Pop ïèøåò: çà ÷óæîé ñ÷¸ò ïüþò âñå - è òðåçâåííèêè, è ÿçâåííèêè íèçíàé íèçíàé! êòî òàêîå ñêàçàë? ÿ âîîáùå ïî÷òè íå ïüþ!

Ziggy Pop: Zero ïèøåò: êòî òàêîå ñêàçàë? Áðèëëèàíòîâàÿ Ðóêà ôèëüì

Zero: Ziggy Pop ïèøåò: Áðèëëèàíòîâàÿ Ðóêà Ziggy Pop ïèøåò: ôèëüì ñïàñèáî êåï!

Ziggy Pop: îáðàùàéñÿ

Ziggy Pop: Maynard talks about Puscifer and updates us on A Perfect Circle & Tool October 27-th, 2011 Tool are reportedly working on a new album, as well. In the past, you’ve expressed frustration with sitting around in the studio with guitarist Adam Jones and drummer Danny Carey’s aesthetic of going over endless combinations of song structures before committing to anything. I’m allowing them their space to do what they do, so we’re still in that mode. Even if they told me how close they are to being done, I couldn’t tell you because if I say 60 percent people will start counting down. When it’s done everyone will know. But I haven’t done anything yet. They write forever and then we go in and knock it all out. We’re writing. We’re writing vocals. But nothing’s solid. With Puscifer, there’s ideas and then we’ll record stuff. Then we’ll go back and change stuff and fix stuff and record new stuff before we finally put it all together. But with Tool, we practice jams, but there’s no actual recording going on until it’s time to record. Are you prepared to tour for a year for the next Tool record whenever it’s ready or have you put your foot down and said, “I don’t want to spend my life on the road.” It has nothing to do with putting my foot down. Physically, I can’t do it, so that’s not gonna happen. We will tour, but it won’t be the old school dog and pony show of 8 months of beating yourself to death. For most bands now, staying out on the road for a year-plus and selling lots of tickets and merch is the only way to make money because their albums are being downloaded for free by file-sharers. How much do you need, really? If we can make a living going out for a few weeks a year and keep people satisfied by making sure we play the locations we need to hit, I’m not Kirk Hammett. I don’t need to buy $10,000 guitars every day. That’s not my lifestyle. I love Kirk, but that’s not me. I have a very sustainable vineyard industry in the Valley which will eventually start to pay its own bills. I love to go on the road and play music for people and express myself, but for it to be something where I’m out there to make money, that’s depressing to me. You end up beating yourself up. Who gives a s–t how much money you have if your back hurts so much you can’t stand up. Money’s not the goal. Having fun making the art, that’s the goal. Finding a nice, happy medium. Being healthy and still expressing what you need to express in an effective way, that’s the ideal. full interview: http://loudwire.com/maynard-james-keenan-interview-puscifer-a-perfect-circle-tool/

Ziggy Pop: Puscifer to be on Letterman Halloween night

Ziggy Pop: Brad Tussing It takes the right tool to have a good breakfast. Jerome, AZ... Maynard James Keenan (Rock star and apprentice wine maker).

Ziggy Pop: Dýííè Kýðè îòûãðàë ñ Kðèìçî (ìèíóñ Ôðèïï) Danny Carey will be performing 3 shows with the Adrian Belew Power Trio featuring Tony Levin & Pat Mastellotto October 22 – Galaxy Theatre, Santa Ana, California October 23 – The Foundry, Phoenix, Arizona October 24 – The Santa Fe Brewing Company, Santa Fe, New Mexico From memory, definitely not complete: Levin / Matelloto (Stickmen): played for about 45min Soup Slow Glide Breathless (!) Relentless Firebird Suite Adrian Belew: played for about an hour Young Lions Beat Box Guitar Neurotica (what a treat!) Madness Of Bow And Drum Color Future Vision e Fripless Crimson: played for a bit more than an hour Three of a Perfect Pair Sleepless Red B'Boom THRAK Dinosaur One Time Frame By Frame (Took me right back to seeing them at the Greek in LA, early 80's for my first Crimson show) Indiscipline Thela Hun Ginjeet Again: if you're anywhere near the shows Danny is joining... you lucky mofos! Don't miss it. Adrian Belew power trio / Stick men (Danny Carey) One time NOT FULL SONG Adrian Belew Power Trio and Stick Men (with Danny Carey) - Thela Hun Ginjeet Danny Carey appears mid way through the video. Pat pulls together a floor tom and snare for Danny to play. Danny is nestled between the other two drummers. He was coerced to come out by Tobias Wolf, who was urging him to come out with various hand gestures. King Crimson:Two of A Perfect Trio - Frame By Frame - with Danny Carey of Tool

Ziggy Pop: "Conditions of My Parole" Directors Cut ïîëíàÿ âåðñèÿ êëèïà

Ziggy Pop: Ïóñèôåð íà øîó Ëåòòåðìàíà, Õýëëîóèí, 31 îêòÿáðÿ

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