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Nine Inch Nails (продолжение)

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Ziggy Pop: Новый EP How To Destroy Angels выйдет в ноябре Новый EP How To Destroy Angels – сайд-проекта предводителя Nine Inch Nails Трента Резнора – выйдет в свет в ноябре этого года. Эту новость подтвердил сам Резнор, одновременно анонсировав начало сотрудничества с лейблом Columbia. «Я рад сообщить, что How To Destroy Angels готовят серию релизов в партнерстве с Columbia Records, - отметил Резнор на Facebook. – Первым из них станет EP под названием «An Omen», который выйдет в ноябре». По словам музыканта, EP включит в себя 6 песен, которые также войдут в состав полноформатного альбома How To Destroy Angels, релиз которого запланирован на первый квартал 2013-го года. «Мы снимаем видео, готовимся выступать вживую, - в общем, расслабляться некогда, - продолжает Резнор. – Деталями обещаю поделиться немного позднее». Напомним, что в состав How To Destroy Angels вместе с Треном Резнором входят его супруга, экс-вокалистка West Indian Girl Марикуин Маандиг и давний коллега Аттикус Росс. Последнее время Резнор был занят сочинением музыкой для фильмов: в числе его работ – саундтреки к «Социальной сети» и «Девушке с татуровкой дракона». Тем не менее, музыкант не забывал и о главной группе своей жизни: в одном из недавних интервью он заявил, что уже начал готовить материал для очередного альбома Nine Inch Nails.

Ziggy Pop: Telepathe "Destroyer" // Trent Reznor, Alessandro Cortini, & Atticus Ross - "Destroyer" (Remix) http://federalprism.com/

Ziggy Pop: интересно, кто это на самом деле

Ziggy Pop: Nine Inch Nails and David Bowie Interview не видел раньше, хорошая беседа)

Ziggy Pop: TRENT REZNOR’S BAND HOW TO DESTROY ANGELS TO RELEASE NEW SINGLE TOMORROW How To Destroy Angels’ lead single off of their new EP An Omen, “Keep It Together”, will be released tomorrow. The track is 4:29 long, and will be released digitally. No previews of the song are available as of this writing. An Omen will be released on November 13th

Ziggy Pop: How To Destroy Angels - "Keep It Together" (2012) 320 http://rghost.ru/40821206 http://soundcloud.com/howtodestroyangels/keep-it-together

Ziggy Pop: @chuckpalahniuk: 'Fight Club' was mostly written with [The Downward Spiral] playing on repeat in the background yeah, man)

Ziggy Pop: TRENT REZNOR IN THE STUDIO WITH A “HERO” OF HIS 16 OCTOBER 2012 Trent Reznor is apparently collaborating with a hero of his, but as to who this mystery person is, Reznor won’t give up the details. “In the studio for a day of experimentation with a hero of mine,” he posted on Twitter, then added, “David Byrne = hero of mine, but it’s not him. I doubt you’ll guess this one,” when guesses began flying around. http://gunshyassassin.com/news/nine-inch-nails-reznor-working-with-hero/ TRENT REZNOR SAYS RADIOHEAD INSPIRED HIM TO GO BACK TO MAJOR LABEL Trent Reznor recently spoke with Talking Heads singer David Byrne at the Aratani/Japan America Theater in LA, and during that chat, he explained his reasoning behind signing to a major label again. “We’re playing in Prague, but I see flyers up for Radiohead, who are playing the same place we’re playing, six months from then. Then I walk into the record shop, and there isn’t a section that says Nine Inch Nails,” Reznor said. “It was, one, to have a team of people who are better at that [marketing] than I am, worldwide… that felt like it was worth slicing the pie up monetarily. So far it’s been pleasantly pleasant.” http://www.nme.com/news/radiohead/66647

Ziggy Pop: Трент Резнор, как и обещал ранее, объяснил, почему порвал с практикой самиздата и вновь подписал издательский контракт с мейджор-лейблом. В беседе с лидером Talking Heads Дэвидом Бирном (David Byrne) музыкант рассказал, что был страшно разочарован, когда не увидел в магазине собственных записей. "Мы играем в Праге, но я вижу там только флайеры Radiohead, которые будут играть там же, где мы, но шесть месяцев спустя. Потом я захожу в магазин пластинок, и там даже нет секции Nine Inch Nails". Озабоченный вопросами дистрибуции, Резнор подписал соглашение с Columbia Records, где скоро выйдут записи другой его группы, How to Destroy Angels. "Хочется иметь за спиной команду людей, которая лучше соображает в маркетинге, чем я, в глобальном масштабе... Пожалуй, ради этого стоит поделиться куском пирога". Пять лет назад Резнор разошелся с лейблом Interscope, как раз по причине маркетинговых разногласий: Трент считал, что издатель сильно завышает цены на альбомы Nine Inch Nails.

Zero: Треня как и Коргна ))))))))))

Ziggy Pop: Trent Reznor made alt-rock’s last stand with The Fragile The Fragile is linked in my mind with Raging Bull in part because of this technical brilliance. The gut-rot of suppressed violence (whether physical or emotional) lingers in both works, but this unpredictability doesn’t carry over to how they were made. Reznor, like Scorsese, used his medium as a haven from the messiness of the outside world, and he was able to exert an uncommon amount of control over his tools. With the possible exception of Billy Corgan, no other ’90s rocker was nearly as skilled at the art of making records as Reznor. Even Corgan would’ve been outmatched trying to replicate the complexities of The Fragile, with its prog-rock overtures and classical-music pretensions. (It is very much a “composed by” record.) http://www.avclub.com/articles/trent-reznor-made-altrocks-last-stand-with-the-fra,82235/

Ziggy Pop:

Deferceptorg: а ты записал ребёнка на секцию "Nine Inch Nails"

Ziggy Pop: у меня есть дома своя секция Nine Inch Nails, а чего добился ты?

Ziggy Pop: "Keep It Together" (Dave Sitek remix) http://soundcloud.com/howtodestroyangels/keep-it-together-dave-sitek http://rghost.ru/41039304

Ziggy Pop: TRENT REZNOR ANNOUNCES PARTNERSHIP WITH BEATS BY DRE The mystery collaboration Trent Reznor has hinted at before has been revealed, as Reznor will apparently be working on “a number of interesting projects” with the headphone company Beats by Dre. According to Reznor’s Facebook, the experiemental results of the project will be available in 2013. “Some of you may have read that I have begun working with Beats By Dre. For the past year I have indeed been involved with Dre, Jimmy Iovine, Luke Wood, and the rest of the team on a number of very interesting projects that will start to emerge next year,” he wrote. “I have been wanting to experiment and focus my energy and creativity in some different directions, and Beats has afforded me that very opportunity. The process has been challenging and fascinating and as much as I’d like to tell you about the things we’ve dreamed up… I just can’t. Not yet… (I can tell you it’s probably not what you’re expecting!)” http://www.nme.com/news/nine-inch-nails/66684

Ziggy Pop: TRENT REZNOR TALKS MAJOR LABEL RECORD DEAL, HOW TO MAKE IT IN THE MUSIC BIZ 25 OCTOBER 2012 Trent Reznor and his manager Jim Guerinot recently sat down with Techdirt to discuss, amongst other things, Reznor’s record deal. Guerinot explained in depth the kind of deal that Reznor signed, which is not a standard record deal: “It’s a licensing arrangement. The deal that Trent is able to do at this stage of the game is different than what he would have been able to do at 19 years old coming into his first arrangement…. There are always different levels of accommodation and leverage that you’re able to do. For Trent, fortunately, at this stage of the game, he’s able to license it and continue to own his masters… and, really, that’s the most relevant thing about the deal,” Guerinot said. Guerinot also maintains the importance of Reznor maintaining the masters of any work he does: “The toughest thing is when an artist takes an advance, pays back the advance, and doesn’t own his masters. That’s always been — and I’ve argued this with my friends who run major labels — that is the single greatest difficulty and why so many artists don’t trust labels. At the end of the day, artists have paid 50% of every video that gets made — it’s recouped against an artist account. But they didn’t benefit from the YouTube deal. They didn’t benefit from the creation of Vevo, despite the fact that it’s their money that went to creating that.” Reznor also offered some advice to up and coming musicians dreaming of making it big someday: “My advice today, to established acts and new-coming acts, is the same advice I’d give to myself: pause for a minute, and really think about ‘what is your goal? where do you see yourself?’ When I was coming up, things weren’t disrupted, and there was a logical progression…. As a 22-year-old kid in Cleveland, it seemed to me that just playing out in bars, hoping someone noticed your band, and then offered you a record contract, while that’s possible, I didn’t know anybody, and didn’t know anybody who knew anybody that that had ever happened to. The strategy, then, was let’s work on getting a band, and something that means something, music that matters, music that I feel proud of, and a vibe and name and ‘brand’ of this thing, and then try to reach maybe some small labels that had music in the same vein of what I liked. It didn’t work exactly that way, but that type of archetype of a plan led me to focus my energies on the thing that did start, and that fuse got lit, and it wound up happening.” TechDirt.com

Ziggy Pop: dannylohner Queen Mary of The Nails Age @QOTSA @joshfreese Weezy @trent_reznor @destroyangels Renholder @BrodyDalle #DarkHarbor #HallowedWeenie

Ziggy Pop: dannylohner Right b4 shit got real! @nycHauntedHouse Fredric @trent_reznor @rob_sheridan Gemma

Ziggy Pop: http://pitchfork.com/news/48428-watch-trent-reznors-how-to-destroy-angels_-perform-keep-it-together-in-the-studio/ http://vimeo.com/52603601

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