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Nine Inch Nails (продолжение)

Andy: Про гвозди.

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Ziggy Pop: A hilarious video of NIN performing Down In It on some ridiculous '80s music show. Full performance footage of NIN on Dance Party USA unearthed Over on Echoing the Sound, TheBang posted the fruits of a $100 purchase: A first generation video recording of NIN's infamous performance on Dance Party USA, from 1988 or 1989. The only evidence of the existence of this clip, for a long time, was the sample "Let's hear it for Nine Inch Nails, woo! They're good!" on the US Head Like a Hole single. Over a decade later, a Closure DVD set surfaced on The Pirate Bay, and it contained a short clip of the performance. Now the whole thing has been uploaded to YouTube, so in a matter of hours (or days), all the usual music blogs will be posting it without all the cutesy backstory and credit that we like to bring to our posts. Well, when we post anything at all. Not long after that, Trent posted the following to Twitter: Many years ago, a young and naive Nine Inch Nails were asked what TV shows they'd be interested in appearing on. As a joke (and likely drunk), they thought of the most absurd choice they could come up with at the time. They were then informed their bluff had been called and were actually booked on said show (thanks again Sioux Z). They hopped in their Honda Civic touring vehicle (hatchback) and travelled many miles to (I think) NJ for the big show. They had a laugh making fun of the people, their fashion choices and hairstyles. Life was good. Years later, the internet is discovered... There's a moral in there somewhere. Come to think of it, Skrillex may indeed owe me some publishing on that hairdo... аудитория, конечно, полный швах, хахахаха=))

Deferceptorg: да, типа как песня 90))(

Zero: Ziggy Pop пишет: аудитория, конечно, полный швах, хахахаха=)) спасибо! поржал

Ziggy Pop: сельская дискотека, а не зрители=))

Ziggy Pop: Mr. Reznor

Coma: последний из '17 )

Ziggy Pop: Coma пишет: последний из '17 ) yeah=)) я - вчужуя

Ziggy Pop:

Deferceptorg: Эмо бой

Ziggy Pop: Deferceptorg пишет: бой скорей уж дядя, какой там бой, чуваку 47 лет

Coma: эмо дядя? звучит ужасно


Ziggy Pop: да Дефертыч сам эмо, просто стрелки на папу Резнора перевёл=)) мне вообще плевать, какая прическа у музыканта. Лучше всех конечно у Коргана и Мэйнарда, аххаха)) да и Роберт Смит вот тоже по делу сказал: Меня лично вообще не волнует, как люди выглядят. Толстые они, худые, лысые, волосатые. Я никогда не буду слушать группу только на том основании, что у вокалиста классная прическа. Это же глупость попросту.

Deferceptorg: Ziggy Pop пишет: да Дефертыч сам эмо нет, я шансонье

Ziggy Pop: Deferceptorg пишет: нет, я шансонье докажи

Deferceptorg: Ziggy Pop пишет: докажи доказывают только быкам (с)

Ziggy Pop: Deferceptorg пишет: доказывают только быкам (с) я бык приморский, докажи, говорю

Deferceptorg: На на

Ziggy Pop: это не ты, не ври учителю, а то всеку тебе

Deferceptorg: Ziggy Pop пишет: это не ты, не ври учителю докажи, я нижегородский бык

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