Ôîðóì » Ðóññêèé ôîðóì Smashing Pumpkins » Ïîñëåäíèå ÍÎÂÎÑÒÈ (ïðîäîëæåíèå 2) (ïðîäîëæåíèå) » Îòâåòèòü

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Zero: Ïîñëåäíèå ÍÎÂÎÑÒÈ ïðåäûäóùàÿ ÷àñòü

Îòâåòîâ - 301, ñòð: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 All

Ziggy Pop: Corgan: “It’s time to refocus everybody by making a full album” In a lengthy interview with MusicRadar.com, Billy Corgan elaborates on the video message he posted earlier this week, discussing the future of the Smashing Pumpkins and adding some thoughts about the old line-up. Highlights: On the future: “I think there’s a nice balance that can be achieved between the past, the present and the future. But for me, it always starts with the future. The Pumpkins have always been about trying to push forward.” On the forthcoming unreleased material: “I found a tape of me and James Iha at the very beginning of the band, and we’re sitting in my bedroom recording my songs. It’s like we were doing a mini bedroom concert. Why I was documenting to that level, I don’t know.” On albums vs. EPs: “We felt good about the EP format for a while, but it’s only taken us so far. I think it’s time to refocus everybody on what we’re trying to accomplish here by making a full album.” On the future of the album: “I still stand by my view that I don’t think albums are particularly relevant at this time. … Nobody I know listen to albums anymore. … But for me, from a writing point of view, it’s really going to focus me to put a group of songs together that are supposed to go together. … The one-song-at-a-time thing has, in many ways, turned this into a singles format. It puts so much pressure on the one song we’re releasing, and people then read more into it than they should.” On California vs. Chicago: “I’ve had more positive experiences in California during the last five years than I’ve had at home. Home just doesn’t seem like home to me anymore, in many ways. California feels more like home, but Chicago’s where I feel the most myself.” On the current line-up: “At the end of the day, we’ll be judged as a group whether we get it done, and I think Oceania will be a really big statement to prove whether or not we belong.” On his former bandmates: “For people who think that the old band worked because of the tension, I would say there might have been moments where it did, but ultimately it took away more than it gave. … [T]he heights that we did reach look very lofty in hindsight, and people think that’s as far as we could have gone. We would’ve gone way further if some people would’ve just gone to fucking rehab.” Read the full interview here: http://www.musicradar.com/news/guitars/interview-billy-corgan-talks-smashing-pumpkins-reissues-new-studio-album-433362 ======================================= It’s time to refocus everybody by making a full album òî êðè÷àë î òîì, ÷òî ôîðìàò àëüáîìà óìåð è çäðàâñòâóåò åäèíîâðåìåííî âûïóùåííàÿ ïåñíÿ, òåïåðü âîò - äà çäðàâñòâóåò àëüáîì, êàê âñåãäà, 7 ïÿòíèö íà íåäåëå

Ziggy Pop: We would’ve gone way further if some people would’ve just gone to fucking rehab Äæèììè íåðâíî âîðî÷àåòñÿ âî ñíå

Zero: Êîðãíà âñåòàêè íàìåðåâàåòñÿ âûïóñòèòü ñàóíäòðåê ê ôèëüìó Spun, òîëüêî âèäèìî ñðàçó æå ïîñëå êîíöà ñâåòà i plan on releasing the Spun soundtrack music probably in co-ordination with the unreleased ChicagoKid album, 2013?

Andy: Zero ïèøåò: i plan on releasing the Spun soundtrack music probably in co-ordination with the unreleased ChicagoKid album, 2013? âîò ýòî âîò ÿ î÷åíü õî÷ó

Zero: Andy ïèøåò: âîò ýòî âîò ÿ î÷åíü õî÷ó âñå õîòÿò! ïî÷åìó êñòàòè îí íàïèñàë ChicagoKid ðàíüøå æå âðîäå íàçûâàëîñü Chicago Songs

Andy: Zero ïèøåò: ïî÷åìó êñòàòè îí íàïèñàë ChicagoKid ðàíüøå æå âðîäå íàçûâàëîñü Chicago Songs à õç, ÿ ÷òî-òî óïóñòèë ìîìåíò, êîãäà îí åãî ïåðåèìåíîâàë

Zero: Andy ïèøåò: à õç, ÿ ÷òî-òî óïóñòèë ìîìåíò, êîãäà îí åãî ïåðåèìåíîâàë ìíå êàæåòñÿ îí âïåðâûå òàê íàçâàë ýòîò äèñê.... ãëàâíîå ÷òîáû âûøåë.

Ziggy Pop: Zero ïèøåò: ãëàâíîå ÷òîáû âûøåë. ãëàâíîå, ÷òîá Êîðãíà íå ñêîí÷àëàñü ñêîðîïîñòèæíî, à òî çàåá¸òåñü æäàòü, ðåáÿòà=)

Andy: Zero ïèøåò: ìíå êàæåòñÿ îí âïåðâûå òàê íàçâàë ýòîò äèñê.. íå, è ðàíüøå íàçûâàë

Ziggy Pop: Billy Talks Reissues and Oceania Rolling Stone published an interview by Greg Prato with Billy Corgan today which offers some details about the kind of and the scope of bonus materials that are to be released along with the reissues of Gish, Siamese Dream, and Pisces Iscariot this fall. - EMI would like a bonus disc of material. I think what it’s going to have to be is a balance between some of the better B-sides that somebody who bought Gish back in the day wouldn’t be familiar with. I want it to be a document about the materials that surrounded the records, so if you’re a fan of that record, you kind of get more of that record. But I want to be really selective and not just put out anything. I want it to be almost like a nice mix tape – if you’re a fan of Gish, then the Gish bonus disc would have some really cool stuff to listen to that’s in that period. And lest you think you’ve heard everything there is to hear… - I’ve gone on some message boards to see what fans are saying, and they think they’ve heard everything and they haven’t. There’s a lot of stuff we have that no one’s ever heard. The interview also included an interesting story about how William Corgan, Sr. influenced young Billy’s development as a guitarist. - My father was a guitar player, and I was raised with a super high standard of what good guitar playing was. I’d be in the living room practicing, and he’d walk by and shake his head, like, “That ain’t gonna fly.” So when I came into indie music, I had already been playing serious heavy metal/Yngwie Malmsteen solos. When I first started playing in front of alternative crowds, they were like, “What’s with the solos?” It was probably because I came from a metal background of practicing and my father’s very jaundiced eye about my ability, and wasn’t really influenced by the alternative mindset about guitar, which was “Don’t try too hard.“ Prato also got Corgan to reveal his current secret guitarist crush, Richie Blackmore of Deep Purple and Rainbow, the one person who he hasn’t worked with yet that he most hopes to someday. When asked to describe what the upcoming Oceania release will sound like, Billy offered these thoughts from his friends who have apparently already heard the Oceania Basement Tapes. - My friends said that it reminds them of what they always liked about the Pumpkins, but it sounds fresh. It has a familiarity to it, which is kind of hard to put your finger on it, but at the same time, it doesn’t sound like, “Oh, it’s the same.” And in the not-exactly breaking news category, the interview closes out with the obligatory re-reunion question, where Billy categorically rules out ever appearing on stage with James Iha or D’arcy again, but pointedly not Jimmy Chamberlin. http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/billy-corgan-talks-smashing-pumpkins-reissues-20110505

Andy: Ziggy Pop ïèøåò: MI would like a bonus disc of material ïðÿìî êàê ÿ çàêàçûâàë

Philosopher: Ziggy Pop ïèøåò: There’s a lot of stuff we have that no one’s ever heard. Åñëè ýòî íå î÷åðåäíîé ãîí, òî êðóòî. À òàê Êîðãíà êîíå÷íî ñêëàäíî ï...çäèò

Zero: Philosopher ïèøåò: À òàê Êîðãíà êîíå÷íî ñêëàäíî ï...çäèò äà óæ!!!! ÷òî÷òî à ýòî ó íåãî ïîëó÷àåòñÿ ïðîñòî íà 5+!!! ê ñîæàëåíèþ ïåñåíêè íà äâîéêè, ðåéòèíã íà íàøåì ñàéòå íîâîãî øåäåâðà Êîðãàíà ïîêà Owata PMrank: 2.29 (24) íó ïðîñòî "ëèäåð"

Ziggy Pop: video for the song “Owata” will be filmed in Chicago

Zero: Ziggy Pop ïèøåò: video for the song “Owata” will be filmed in Chicago å****öà!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! íà îäíó èç ñàìûõ ñëàáûõ ïåñåí.

Ziggy Pop: Zero ïèøåò: å****öà!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! íà îäíó èç ñàìûõ ñëàáûõ ïåñåí åñëè Êîðãíå õî÷åòñÿ çàêðåïèòü ñåé ïîçîð åù¸ è âèäåîêëèïîì - ýòî åãî äåëî çðÿ êîíå÷íî îí òàê

Andy: Zero ïèøåò: íà îäíó èç ñàìûõ ñëàáûõ ïåñåí äà áðîñü, îíà, êàíåø, õðåíîâàÿ, íî íà àëüáîìå åñòü è ãîðàçäî õóæå ïåñíè

Zero: Andy ïèøåò: äà áðîñü, îíà, êàíåø, õðåíîâàÿ, íî íà àëüáîìå åñòü è ãîðàçäî õóæå ïåñíè õåð çíàåò. äëÿ ìåíÿ îíà èç ðàçðÿäà "áîëüøå ÿ ýòî ãîâíî ñëóøàòü íå ñîáèðàþñü".

Desire: Ïî÷òè ñàìàÿ ëþáèìàÿ èç íîâîãî :))

Philosopher: Êîðãíà åù¸ æå ïèøåò êíèãó ïîä "ïîòðÿñàþùèì" íàçâàíèåì God is Everywhere, from Here to There http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/billy-corgan-writing-spiritual-memoir-about-smashing-pumpkins-20110510

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