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Zero: Owata 10 / 44

Ответов - 21 новых, стр: 1 2 All

Zero: послушать ЭТО можно тут http://blogs.laweekly.com/westcoastsound/2011/05/smashing_pumpkins_owata.php


Philosopher: очень жизнерадостная песня получилась даже не знаю , критиковать надоело

Zero: тут даже критиковать то нечего ))))))))))))))

Andy: эта аранжировка никуда не годится. мне нравилась эта версия:

Zero: да уж эту версию даже можно послушать.

Ziggy Pop: не слушал, но верю всем вам, что это говно, форменное

Ziggy Pop: Philosopher пишет: очень жизнерадостная песня получилась даже не знаю , критиковать надоело ну тогда просто скачи от радости по квартире и веселись вместе с Тупой Коргной, оцени, сука, высочайшую силу искусства от одного из гениев современности

Desire: Ёпсель! Это вот называется Овата?! Меня песня ещё в том концертном исполнении попёрла! Всё-таки концертная версия поинтересней будет, там и духовые в тему. Джимми тоже в тему... В любом случае радует, поливать говном точно не буду!

WOLK: пиздос, не то чтоб песня говно , а просто говницо такое изи говнявинг

Ziggy Pop:

Ziggy Pop: Billy Corgan dropped in on Diva Dirt Live this evening to share some information about the “Owata” video. Corgan highlighted the contrast between the uplifting song and the harsh struggle of wrestlers to win over audiences and gain attention. He announced that the “Owata” video should see release in two weeks, probably June 15 via Yahoo Video. песню так и не слышал

Zero: Клипачек http://pumpkin-machine.ru/news/312/

Andy: охуеть - не встать!

Andy: потрясающая история.. я реву, блять

Andy: сиськи у второй телки в порядке, кстати..

Andy: вот этот видеоролик ей получше удался: http://www.xvideos.com/video557140/shelly_martinez_porn_shoot_massacre_

Ziggy Pop: Andy пишет: _porn_shoot_massacre_ Andy пишет: охуеть - не встать! Andy пишет: я реву, блять отвратительный кусок тупого дерьма этот ваш новый клип, сэр Корган, иди-ка нахуй я сваливаю с Тыквенного корабля бля

Ziggy Pop: некоторые из отзывов зарубежных фанов: Jesus God Damn Tap Dancing Christ, WHAT THE F WAS THAT? I love most of Billy/SPs videos, but this was bad…. Really bad… Fuck, man…just…fuck. Three words, What The F*&%?!?!?! I never thought I’d saiy it but this is the first time my favorite band has put out something I did not like Worst piece of crap I've ever seen in my whole life. This video was pointless, cheesy, and the music did not fit at all! Terrible mistake on Billys part. I am sad to be a pumpkins fan after watching that I have listened to The Smashing Pumpkins for the past 18 years, and my friends have often teased me that I was a mindless Billy-loving drone, who would declare a fart from Billy as an amazing ground breaking piece of music. It has proved true to an extent, I love every song the man has ever recorded be it under the Pumpkins banner or not but this… this is the worse piece of crap I’ve ever seen. I actually feel that watching this was a major waste of my time Skip to the end everyone!! Wow… this is horrible. I don’t understand SP anymore It was poorly produced with cringe worthy, awkward moments. The camera work is horrible. The audio is awful. The video had absolutely no point to it at all Jesus God Damn Tap Dancing Christ, WHAT THE F WAS THAT? I love most of Billy/SPs videos, but this was bad…. Really bad… A few mins of my life I will never get back. Owata shitty video. Really disappointing. I’m starting to feel that Billy is TRYING to piss as many people off as possible. Smashing Pumpkins videos have almost all been groundbreaking and beautiful and visually stunning but the video didnt even come close to matching the song. Its like shooting a video of a figure skating to a cannibal corpse song. Good lord. Billy may have completely lost his mind. WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING BILLY? This was fucking terrible. Beethoven would be more appropriate music for this crap than Owata Did anyone here post on the Smashing Pumpkins page on facebook? There was a very spirited discussion aka most people hated it… BIG Let Down I try to remain positive as best I can, and I hate to say it, but I’m actually embarrassed to be a Pumpkins fan right about now Billy, swallow your pride and contact D’Arcy: Do whatever it takes to bring her around. The same with James, followed by Jimmy. Nothing against the ‘new’ members, but as an Artist you’re now dead… Go back to where things were, sort things slowly as you progress from there. this video just cements the feeling that Oceania will be a let down too W T F ! ? ! ? ! ? fu-ck.. we’re are simple videos like 33? simple and beautiful.. while this.. this reminds me a crappy reality show from MTV… that aint good. - Do people understand that this was NOT a music video? It was a short film, and the overall themes of the film, fit the themes of the song Owata. I’m sure the the actual 4 min. video will be much different - Yes we understand it was a short film. A short film that blew donkey balls. Dear BC, I guess this is an ultimatum: if this next album isn’t fucking epic I’m done.


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